HOT TAKE Spotlight: Snake in the Garden, a Plea to Normies…By: Chris Larson

Are you a Normie?

If you don’t know what that means, well then you probably are one. Normies (slang for “normal”) are people with “mainstream tastes”, have jobs, dutifully pay taxes, robotically eat the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) of highly-processed seed oiled GMO’d “food” drenched in high fructose corn syrup, enjoys fads (Do you own a Stanley travel mug?), has no qualms about the state of our public schools, and doesn’t pay much attention to politics most of the time, certainly not local politics.

Normies think Alex Jones is a kook, and Anthony Fauci is a well-meaning health expert.

Normies believe the both Covid and our current record-breaking inflation are naturally occurring events, similar to a bad winter, not the fault of evil and/or inept humans.

Normies kinda feel like maybe the 2020 election wasn’t quite on the up and up, but they don’t think we have any of those problems here in South Dakota, the Mayberry of America.

Normies keep their heads buried in the sand until WHOOPS! too late, the Marxists have totally captured every single institution in our country. Just ask the good “Nice” citizens in the state of Minnesota, who can have their child removed from their home by the government if the parent refuses to “affirm their gender”. Yes, Normie, this is the New Normal in America. Coming soon!

Normies understand that Washington DC is home of “The Swamp”, but don’t know that there’s another swamp in Pierre, filled with swamp rats. Normies aren’t familiar with the name Lee Schoenbeck, a very powerful SD state senator who is regarded as “King of the Swamp” by many of his detractors. Imagine Chuck Schumer merged with Liz Cheney but meaner, and shorter.

This meme perfectly illustrates the modern Normie>>

In South Dakota, Normies usually attend church, or at least watch it online from the couch. If you do go to a local church, odds are the pastor will make vague references to the dangers of this world, but they will be presented as internal sins which can be made right with the appropriate and necessary application of repentance and humility. There, all fixed! Now you can go home and grill, and the world is right again. Most pastors will avoid mentioning any modern day villains, only the ones in the Bible. If you’re a SD Normie, you don’t pay any attention to what the local politicians, school boards or bureaucrats are up to. And why would you? That’s boring! In fact, you may be getting bored with reading this article. (Hmmm, maybe I should insert a story about Taylor Swift’s boyfriend as clickbait…)

We humans are hardwired to respond to stories, both for entertainment and learning. We all are living our own story, but we’re also being told stories about the world we live in, every day. These stories become our story, so they are very important. Normies tend to accept whatever stories the Current Regime is telling. As an ex-Normie myself, I can now identify these stories for what they are: Propaganda.

One story that every Bible believer knows well took place in the Garden of Eden. This story is loaded with moral lessons, also known as memes. One biggie is the fact that every walled garden will eventually feature a snake/serpent. In Genesis, the serpent, who was actually more like a dragon, seduced Eve, who was blessedly naive and could be considered the first Normie. Adam knew better, but chose to pretend otherwise. Our own little state of South Dakota is a walled garden, of sorts. And it also contains serpents.

Most Normies are blissfully unaware that in this last legislative session in Pierre, which just ended this past week, the good citizens of our state were thoroughly betrayed by some of these serpents. Over and over the powerful won victories at the expense of the common man. The government/corporation cabal got stronger, taxpayers’ rights got weaker. Billions in profits were locked in for a few fortunate oligarchs for decades to come. Children were not protected from online porn, or school library porn. Private, for-profit companies can now do whatever they want to our lands, using Eminent Domain to bully their way to massive profits. Our so-called representatives couldn’t even manage to put a cap on our annual property tax increases, even though our state can “afford it”, i.e. allow us to keep more of our hard-earned money. Our voting systems are even less secure.

“That’s crazy…you catch the game last night?”

The good news is, many of us ex-Normies are waking up to the reality that the evils of this world are not just in the DC Swamp, nor on our phones, or just in Davos where Clause Schwab plots his schemes with George Soros. No, our fight is here in the sleepy little garden of South Dakota. There are actual villains here, to be sure, and at the highest levels of our government. These folks may be physically attractive, and are certainly popular at all the cool kids parties and Fox News and CPAC. They may be the Faces of SD, but they are not looking out for us. But our story is evolving. Our story has villains, but also heroes. Many of these heroes are ex-Normies who woke up, got off their couch, and vowed to do something. Some of their names are Karla, Jon, Leah, John and Bethany; and there are hundreds more like them. But they need your help.

If you are a Normie, and ready to “Transition”, so to speak, into Awake Mode, it’s not too late. You can take the Redpill, turn off the Sportsball and TikToks, live an overtly Based life in every aspect, speak truths, run for office (PLEASE!), question every single thing our government says, become a mentor, read books and become a Joyful Warrior. Your community needs you!

If interested, simply leave a comment in the “Comments” section. Oh, and Lee, if you feel like, I don’t mind if you call me a “Wack a Doodle”.

Chris Larson
