HOT TAKE Spotlight: Patriotism or Patriot? Which Way Modern Man?…By: Chris Larson

These are not the same.

Patriotism feels good, sometimes.

Before a ballgame, seeing Mt. Rushmore, watching the Blue Angels fly over, thanking a veteran.

It feels comfortably warm and fuzzy to bask in the greatness and sacrifice of heroes; in the glow of gratitude.

Feeling patriotic is its own reward. It costs nothing to express it, because it makes you look like a decent person, in most circles. It really is a form of virtue signaling, when you get down to it.

But for those of us who never served, offered up our flesh and bones to destruction and deformity, it’s a little too easy. We have no justification for feeling kinship with our American Founders, who risked everything they had in pursuit of this dream that we were fortunate enough to be born into. We didn’t earn our citizenship, we woke up with it.

So we shouldn’t feel patriotic when we pay respects to American heroes. We should instead feel gratitude, and a solemn obligation to protect, restore even when necessary, this grand experiment that these great men and women sacrificed to build for us.

Especially when the enemy is destroying it from the inside.

This can be a hard pill to swallow, but when you do – if you do – you’re on your way to becoming a Patriot.

A Patriot ceases to hang on to wishful thoughts of sentimentality towards our “leaders”. A Patriot sees that the legions of lies inflicted upon us through the covid mania came primarily from our own government, the people who claim to be our “public servants”. A Patriot recognizes that the political leaders who make it to the top of the heap, stay in power till death, are not the greatest of man. No, no. They are merely the most effective liars, as soulless and rapacious as bull sharks.

A Patriot looks around, seeing what absurdities these charlatans are funding with our hard earned money; boggled by the fact that our country is in debt to the tune of thirty-something trillion dollars; and thinks “It doesn’t have to be this way”.

A Patriot is thinking this sentiment every day in our modern Clownworld.

When President Joe Biden, journeyman bamboozler for over 50 years, declared Easter Sunday, the holiest of days, National Tranny Visibility Day, he red-pilled hundreds of thousands of Normies into transitioning themselves right into Patriots. Let’s Go Brandon! A Patriot observes our president through his own words and actions, and understands that this man does not love America. For to truly love America, one must love the founding ideas that she is based on. Biden and his ilk instead serve and adore our current version of America, which resembles the original not at all. Our current version is a bloated leviathan that monitors and imprisons her own citizens for “Ungood Wrongthink”, taxes us endlessly, deceives us, regulates our every move through the unlimited power of the Managerial State manned by unelected bureaucrats, opens our borders to foreign invasion, sends our money all over the world for nefarious ends. We are supposed to feel patriotic to this Ponzi scheme that our own Founders would be disgusted by, and likely revolt against?

No, fellow Patriot, it definitely does not have to be this way. Patriots not only understand this, they want to do something about it. The good news is, there are many more of us who are Based (on the Bible, unapologetically) in this country than there are Marxists who are committed to fundamentally changing everything that we hold in respect. The problem is that the Marxists have been engaged in the “Long March through the institutions” for decades now, while normal Americans have been busy minding their own business and just living life.

“Doing something about it” is what makes normal people into heroes. It’s what stirs all those patriotic feelings inside of us when we hear the stories of how our founding fathers took control of matters back in the 1770’s. They weren’t feeling patriotic when they declared war on their masters. They were righteously pissed off, then acted accordingly.

“Crouch down and lick the hands that feed you”.

If that doesn’t make your patriot muscle twitch, you don’t have a patriot muscle.

Patriots understand that we are on a war footing. Marxists and globalists have squadded up to “fundamentally transform America” – Barack Obama, 2008.

Thanks Obama!

Of course, it didn’t start with Obama. If we’re playing the blame game, FDR is as good a place as any. Franklin Roosevelt did more to create the Permanent Managerial State than any president before or since, an unelected bureaucracy that has their heavy hand in absolutely every aspect of our lives. Does it concern you, patriotic reader, that the five wealthiest counties in America surround Washington DC? That is because these counties are filled with lobbyists.

A Patriot can see the problem with this scenario.

Patriots may not be well heeled, but they assuredly will be well armed. You simply cannot call yourself a Patriot if you don’t respect the 2nd Amendment.

A Patriot may currently be serving in the military, but Patriots will be very uneasy about the prospects of encouraging their children to be fed into the meat grinder for the profits of the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

And who could blame them after eighty years of seemingly pointless wars and conflicts.

I myself used to be a Patriotism Enjoyer. I cheered on Team America in every adventure that the Bushes and Obama committed our armed forces to in the glorious cause of “Spreading Democracy!” I confess that I used to despise the hippies who spoke out against America’s warmaking, writing them off as Anti-American weak pacifists. And while some of these peaceniks were indeed infected with Marxist motivations, others actually saw through the lies that our government was putting forth as the actual reasons for invading other sovereign nations. I don’t claim omniscience, but I do have eyeballs and it really looks like most of America’s “Spreading Democracy” missions over the past 75 years had more to do with our politicians paying back the Defense Industry. When I put my Patriot goggles on, it looks like America has become an oligarchy, run by extremely powerful and wealthy lobbyists, doing things that have little or nothing to do with safeguarding the health and welfare of her citizens.

For generations, warmongers in our State department and congress have been tapping into that deep well of patriotism & adventurism that drives young men- especially those who are right-leaning in their worldviews -to risk their entire future for the glorious and noble cause of defending our country from (potential) invaders.

But now many are coming to the realization that we’ve been lied to by our own government, time and time again, our whole lives.

That just maybe we had something to do with escalating the Russia/Ukraine war. And perhaps toppling Saddam Hussein had absolutely nothing to do with protecting our homeland. We’re not spreading “democracy”, we’re spreading debauchery and degeneracy. When we pulled the last of our troops out of the 20-year Afghanistan experiment, the first thing the Afghanis did was remove all the gay pride flags that our government put up.

It doesn’t feel good to entertain these kind of thoughts. Most of us are wired to reflexively support our side in any dispute. It feels so much better to hang on the dream that our leaders – particularly our South Dakota politicians (they’re SO nice!)- are tirelessly working to govern this country in the ways our Founders intended.

I wish I could still believe such things!

But alas, wishing is not the way of the Patriot.

To reclaim the American greatness of our past, during which our forefathers invented much of the world’s modern technologies, took on enormous challenges and demonstrated how a free society can be built and maintained, Patriots must join the fight against the Marxist disease that has infected every single one of our institutions. Call it out wherever you see it, and fight it.

Become a Patriot, support other patriots in your own community (it’s a ground game after all), win the battles; and when it’s over, all who stood can bask in the glory of Patriotism.