HOT TAKE Spotlight: Patriot Pledge…By: Chris Larson

Our world is in a state of disunity, strife and rapid dissolution of shared values. On most of the big issues of our time, Americans are split in half, and the distance between the halves is widening. While the two factions can be accurately delineated between Left and Right ideologies, there also exists a substantial rift on the Right. This rift manifests itself almost exclusively in the arena of politics, exemplified best by the phenomenon that is Donald Trump. Trump, who had never held office of any kind, defeated 16 other political professionals to win the 2016 Republican nomination, and then did it again in the next two primaries.

Trump is a populist, not an idealogue. If he believes deeply in anything beyond his own ego, it is that middle class working Americans, and America at large, are not being treated fairly by our own government and its legion of appendages. When Trump identified one of the main culprits as “The Deep State”, it brought into focus a viable source for many Americans’ discontent. Early on, many traditional Republicans were suspicious of Trump’s claim on “conservative values”, as we had been conditioned to trust the typical politicians in the vein of Mitt Romney, George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, along with the fact that Trump came from a Hollywood Playboy background centered around New York City, the polar opposite of the Heartland. But those fears quickly evaporated when we witnessed the all-out assault against his presidency by both the Deep State and the Intelligence community. It became obvious that powerful people in our own government were very afraid of this outsider who seemed to be beholden to no special interests, other than the average working man. For once we had a leader who was bothered by the same things that WE were bothered by: loss of US manufacturing, border security and unnecessary wars. In short, he actually pushed “America First” policies to back up his campaign rhetoric.

Being lied to, propagandized, spied on and generally treated like we were stupid children by various actors in the Deep State and mass media during the covid years only served to push those of us who think critically further into the “dissident” camp. The phantasmic results of the 2020 “election” sealed the deal. For many of us had now begun Noticing. Noticing is a meme for a process in which one begins to see through the propaganda of media sources; seeing the connectivity of the narratives; along with a lack of questioning from those who profession is to report on such matters; a realization that the real world that we live in is nothing like what our media sources – socials, news readers, government spokespeople, movies, ect. – have manufactured. To be a Patriot is to be in a state of Noticing. In the early stages, Noticing feels like waking up in a strange world of broken physics, with a general feeling that the world has gone off its axis. Noticing that many parts of our society are broken does not happen by choice. We aren’t chasing “conspiracy theories”. We are being forced into a corner where we have no other choice than to face the truth.

The Republican party has been split into two unequal factions.

The Patriot/America First wing has substantially more individual members, but the Neocon/Chamber of Commerce wing has more power. Most Republican federal legislators, GOP party leaders and Think Tanks are dominated by the “moderate” “fiscally conservative” neocons. In South Dakota, all three of our federal representatives can be considered neocons, based purely on their voting record, which is what matters most. To the average Republican voter who doesn’t pay much attention to the minutiae of legislative sausage-making – Normies- Mike Rounds, John Thune and Dusty Johnson are nice guys who wear suits and represent our Midwest values out in the D.C. swamp, battling it out with the nefarious likes of Schumer and Pelosi. But in reality, all three of these men are active members of the UniParty, or “MoneyParty”; working hand-in-glove on many important issues with the Democrats to enact Globalist and Statist policies that do not align with the values of most SD taxpayers. Patriots feel completely disconnected from these people who claim to represent us. Abandoned even.

To change the stranglehold that neocons have on our party, we must present our fellow Republicans – both voters and candidates alike – with a binary choice: Patriot or Neocon. Choose your side.

To do this we must have a checklist of beliefs that our candidates and current office holders can look at and decide for themselves which faction they represent. The antidote to the upheaval and chaos of the past six years is clarity, not just meaningless terms like “conservative”. After all, what exactly has been conserved in our lifetime? Every single institution, including government, education, NGO’s, corporations, media, big tech, sports and entertainment. Everything. Every single thing has been infected by neo-Marxism, Globalism and cultural decay.

A note about the nature of the name Patriot. The label should be viewed in the same way as the label “Republican”, in that it does not mean that your opponent does not believe in the idea of a republic. Nor does the name Patriot purport to mean that our opponents, on all shades of the political spectrum, are unpatriotic towards the idea of being a modern American citizen. We certainly are not implying that if an American does not identify politically as a Patriot that they are in some way traitorous, although there are certainly political actors that vote and speak in ways that betray the original intent of the US Constitution and the Founders’ ideals for their new nation. In fact, this country’s Founding Fathers vision for America, what they fought, sacrificed and died for, represent the core beliefs of the modern Patriot archetype that I believe this movement should coalesce around.

The Patriot can easily imagine a modern America that is wholly governed by the likes of Sam Adams, John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. What a world this would be…

The Patriot Pledge

  1. PROPERTY RIGHTS- We believe that private property is sovereign to the individual, and not to be infringed on for a profit motive by either The State or any private entity. SB201 should be repealed, and everyone who voted for it replaced in office.
  2. ONE NATION UNDER GOD- Every human decides what they believe in their own hearts and minds, but our constitution and laws should be based on Christian principles as was originally intended.
  3. GOVERNMENT IS TOO BIG, AT ALL LEVELS – Every Patriot legislator is forbidden to either raise taxes or expand the size of any government agency or program.
  4. TAXES ARE TOO HIGH – sames as above
  5. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE FAILING OUR CHILDREN – Without raising taxes, this problem needs fixing
  6. NEO MARXISM NEEDS TO BE STOPPED – This includes DEI offices, employees and guidelines at every governmental institution in the state. Also, racial preferences must end. Patriots are colorblind.
  7. THE SEXUALIZATION OF OUR CHILDREN NEEDS TO STOP. No LGBTQ propaganda allowed at any governmental institution. No sexually explicit material shall be offered to minors.
  8. OUR VOTING SYSTEMS NEED TO BE OVERHAULED AND MADE SECURE. (SDCanvassing and similar groups will assist in this task)
  9. KILLING BABIES IS MURDER. Yes, even extremely young babies like the pre-borns. Don’t expect us to compromise on this. It’s murder.
  10. STOP TRYING TO “SPREAD DEMOCRACY” THROUGHOUT THE GLOBE. The Founders were against it. It doesn’t work. We can’t afford it. Our military should be used to PROTECT America only. That includes our borders. The Global American Empire (GAE) has had a net negative impact on both American citizens and the people groups they purport to help. All foreign aid should cease until such a time as our national debt is erased.

If you are a candidate or current office holder, you are welcome to sign this Pledge, according to your conscience. However, your voting record must align with this pledge.

If you are a voting citizen, we also encourage you to sign this pledge to consolidate and strengthen our power and ability to influence our local governments. As it currently stands, our elected officials have been allowed to feel immunity from the discontent that their policies have aided and abetted in the lives of their Patriot citizens. It’s time to let them know.