HOT TAKE Spotlight: The New nOrmal…By: Chris Larson

Patriots take the lead.

Normal family

The battle for who owns the “Normal” label rages on.

A few days before the Primary elections in South Dakota, which took place on June 4 2024, the Dakota Scout ran an article titled “Embrace the normal”, which attempted to offer a rebuttal to my previously published article (from three months ago) – A Snake in the Garden (a plea to Normies)

Written by current Minnehaha County Commissioner Dean Karsky & the very well funded and connected candidate Dan Kippley, this piece sought to paint people like myself as abnormal crackpots who “spend all day online, watching cable news and going down the rabbit holes of never-ending conspiracy theories.”

Ha! As if I watch “cable news”. Hello, the 90’s called, they want their insults back!

The authors never bothered to actually name any of the supposed “conspiracy theories”, because, well…I don’t actually know. Laziness? Did they get fatigued tag-team-writing their relatively short post? It’s like they are being intentionally obtuse regarding the “Normies” meme. It’s pretty simple guys. Normies are conservative-minded folks who don’t really care about politics, especially local politics. It’s easier to ignore it, in this era of Bread and Circuses. Netflix & chill, ya know? Patriots are ex-normies who see the world through George Washington goggles; understanding that if George could be time-machined into this current age, he would promptly set about assembling a militia to right the ship, after he finished vomiting.

Or did the authors neglect to clarify because they know that by naming these beliefs that their opponents espouse will damage their own premise, due to these so-called “conspiracy theories” being so obviously transformed into Conspiracy Facts right before our very eyes? We are left to speculate.

In a nutshell, the point of their article boiled down to: Normal people vote for us – abnormal wackadoodles vote for the Cole Heisey and Roger Russell types.

I believe this to be a fair assessment on my part, as the timing of this post – less than one week before the election – reveals itself as nothing more than campaign advertising, for free in this case. Hey, I love the Dakota Scout, but these are just the facts. That article was a campaign ad. A dumb one, sure, but an advertisement nonetheless.

You get what you pay for, typically, and it was no different in this instance as Dan Kippley managed to come in a distant fourth place while incumbent Dean Karsky barely squeaked by our friend and extremely normal guy Roger Russell.

Roger Russell- Normal Guy

It’s unfortunate these two wasted a good opportunity to provide an actual weighty counterpunch to my thesis of the recent phenomenon of “Normies” waking up & taking an interest in our local governance. My post listed a plethora of real world examples of how our world has gone bonkers, just in the past five years alone! If their goal was to try to marginalize those of us who are Noticing these absurdities, then they failed. We know this because of the elections that took place all over South Dakota less than a week later. While the Establishment RINO Neocons pearl-clutch over low voter turnout, we know what is really bothering them. They lost, bigly.

Patriot candidates cleaned up, all over the state. Newcomers of the Patriot persuasion ousted what some people call “moderates”. I say some people, because the term moderate to me just means incoherent.

What happened in SD last Tuesday was so extraordinary, national political observers are taking notice. Here’s Daniel Horowitz of the Conservative Review Podcast »> Conservative Review interviewing fellow Noticer Amanda Radke discussing the beat down that Establishment candidates received at the hands of Patriots across the state.

But really, the authors (assuming they didn’t use ChatGPT) of the “Vote Normal” piece weren’t trying to engage in an actual debate, or make any logical points. Clearly, their goal was to paint us Noticers as weirdos. Nice try! (not really, it was weak)

My first ever political post came in the fall of 2023, when I Noticed just how condescending some of our County Commissioners acted towards both our duly elected Auditor (Leah Anderson – former Normie) and the concerned local citizens who took the time to show up and speak at the public commission meetings.

Many people provided me with positive and passionate feedback on that post, which was really cool, but the more “Establishment” types wrote it off as fringe gobbledegook. The problem for them is that the hundreds of people I’ve met over the past 18 months who share my views on specific conspiracy facts are quite obviously “normal” Americans. Tax payers, job havers, Christ followers, parents and grandparents. Good people with eyeballs who have absolutely no power, and no profit motive to get involved in politics. They, and we, are simply becoming more aware. And as we share our awareness with each other, breaking bread and fellowshipping, the light of Truth gains wattage. And the movement gets stronger as our individual voices become a choir.

One telling point that Karsky and Kippley chose to make in their post was to attempt to draw a distinctive line between themselves -Normal People – and their abnormal opponents – Roger and Cole:

“Alternatively, you can hear other candidates sow distrust in institutions and demand contradictory or impractical solutions”

This is a tactic that many of us Patriots have become familiar with: the attempt to “Other” us, paint us a weirdos for being bothered by the absolute depravity of our culture, imprisoning of political opponents, the devaluing of our currency, selling our private property rights, the authoritarian rule of our government, invasion of our borders, pervertization of our kids, corrupted election systems, UniParty rule, etc.. I mean, if you are going to call us nuts, then at least make the effort to enlighten us to our delusions. Instead, we are served vague dismissals and arrogance.

But that’s okay, we’ll just be over here»»

The Schoenbecks, Wiiks, Mortensens, Dusties and Kristis of this state can enjoy their fat stacks that fund their PACs for a little while longer, but one can easily imagine, in the afterglow of our victories, that they are beginning to feel the hoofbeats of the stampede that comes to take power in this great state.

We’ll be hanging out with Patriots creating ripple effects, contributing to the Life Defense Fund, using our Family Voice to confront the degradation of our society with our Conservative Grassroots friends, while We the People support Moms for Liberty, the Alpha Center, and SD Freedom Caucus; start our own PACs like Dakota First Action and Liberty Tree, recruit the youth, make even more new friends and alliances, win more elections, and joyfully begin the long process of making America AMERICA again.

Who knows what kind of mischief we’ll find ourselves getting into.

God knows.