HOT TAKE Spotlight: OPEN PRIMARIES (are dumb)…By: Chris Larson

One of the 5 Big Threats to SD Patriots.

If you’re a conservative in SD, you are at this very moment under looming imperilment from at least 5 different threats to our way of life; all of which are coming to a head in less than 5 months; all of which have big money donors backing them; all of which some of our mutual friends have been fighting behind the scenes and on the streets to stop for years, unbeknownst to many of us.

While most Republican Normies in SD are enjoying the fascinating spectacle of Trump vs. Biden, which offers daily hilarity and outrage in bunches, these 5 threats are vastly more relevant & existential to conservative minded folks.

Any one of these threats, if left undefeated, will push our state further to turning into the territory formerly called Minnesota, now known as Commiesota; which is a state brimming with wholesome hardworking Midwesterners, ruled by a cabal of NeoMarxists.

Most Patriots reading this already understand this, and are appropriately fearful. But for any stray normies who happen by, I respectfully present to you the following facts of our current situation. Polls have consistently shown that most Americans distrust our politicians to the point where cockroaches are more favorable. You may have a low opinion of politicians in general, because yes they are consummate liars, but it is clear to me that most people illogically put their own local politicians on some sort of a pedestal. That’s why they keep getting re-elected. In general, we don’t despise them enough.

“You can’t trust politicians! But Thune/Rounds/Dusty/Kristi is lookin out for us!” – typical normie thinking.

Most of us taxpayers simply haven’t been keeping a close enough watch on these rascals, and thus, we are now faced with what I mentally picture as meteors heading our way. Meteors (referendum, bills, laws & and other mechanisms of chicanery) that our media either ignores or obfuscates to keep the normies asleep.

For clarity’s sake, these 5 meteors are, in no particular order:


It’s no accident that we are forced to deal with all of these substantial threats all at once. The Democrats and Neocon/Moderate/RINOs are employing a strategy referred to as “Flooding the zone”, wherein an invading force blitzes the field of battle with an unexpected plethora of attacks, overwhelming their enemy’s ability to respond while draining their resources.

I mean, with all this going on, who even noticed that our downtown Sioux Falls became a virtual orgy of perverted sexual celebration and debauchery a few weeks ago? Fellow Patriot Dan Goeller recently wrote about it here (trigger warning!)

Every one of these meteors is weaponized by a profit motive; some private company that stands to make fortunes; while those of us playing defense have absolutely no profit motive whatsoever. We’re just mad, and rightfully scared.

Think about it.

Who makes $ from stopping an abortion? Now flip that question around.

The same formula can be applied to every one of our meteors.

Where is the profit motive for the folks at SD Canvassing working for election integrity? Is Leah Anderson making secret million$ from auditing and recounting? Are landowners getting rich & powerful by refusing Summit’s extortion?


There’s no money in standing on principles. In fact, behind nearly every travesty that’s being shoved down our throats, from forced injections to transing kids to the Woke Mind Virus, is fueled by greed.

 “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” – 1 Timothy 6:10

Which explains, my friends, why these current troubles are an uphill battle, & why so many normies remain oblivious and apathetic. They don’t understand either the urgency or the gravity of the threats.

They don’t know what time it is.

But Patriots are not a hopeless people, curling into the fetal  position of despair. We notice, we speak up, we pray, we gather, we fight.

But to fight, and win, requires money, and since we don’t have a Summit or Planned Parenthood or ES&S giving us bags of money, what do we do?

I say we need to wake the sleeping giant of normie friends and family to the dangers that our way of life face now. Together, we outnumber the Left and the Moderates. Together, we can say NO to these society-altering Transgressions, and keep South Dakota a livable state to live a life that honors God.

The SB201 petition drive provided a good demonstration what we can accomplish when we work together. This is Patriot community activism. It feels good to hold the Establishment accountable. It feels right to exert some influence, for once, in this society that we helped create. Too long have we allowed the Left to pervert the ideals that America was founded on.

But to wake up our future allies will require us to have a firm grip on the logic behind our opposition to these very real and imminent dangers.

This post is dedicated to dealing with one of the meteors that, on the surface, may seem benign to the ignorant. But in terms of who holds the power, the OPEN PRIMARIES – Amendment H – issue is potentially the most destructive to us Patriots.

Let’s start with the marketing aspect. OPEN is one of those magical words with positive connotations, often used to elicit a positive response.

OPEN House

OPEN bar

OPEN for business

OPEN minded (although, whenever I hear this phrase I’m reminded of GK Chesterton’s quote >>>)

Sadly, the average voter will vote YES for OPEN PRIMARIES simply because it just sounds like a nice thing to do. This is how marketing works, folks. Trust me, I’ve been in retail for 30 years. It’s vital to understand this, if we are to mount an effective counter offensive.

Your average voter can’t comprehend an extensive deep dive into policy, & they could care less about party infighting. There’s burger’s to grill, & TicToks to watch!

To defeat the OPEN PRIMARIES effort will require a concise devastating narrative.

But first we must understand the danger.

Who is behind this?

Local Moderates such as silver-spoon trust-funder Joe P. Kirby have been pining for OPEN PRIMARIES using reasonable sounding gobbledegook like “I encourage the adoption of better approaches and systems for government, both election systems and structural improvements.”  You can read this & more on his blog at, where he spells out the sales pitch behind the OPEN PRIMARIES push>>>

SF Joe’s dream of a Republican-free Republican party

You see guys, the recent victories that Patriots won in the SD primary election, all the volunteering we did, the praying, supporting regular folks like John Kunnari who has never before run for any kind office in his 70 plus years (meaning, he’s a normal person), well that’s all because we just really “love privilege”.

Moderates after some conservatives win primaries

Oh the irony of being accused of loving privilege from a guy who water-slided through the birth canal into a deep pool of wealth as a fourth generation Kirby who’s main accomplishment seems to be surviving childhood until 1992 when the company he inherited  – Western Surety – sold for $100 MILLION DOLLARS.

But we Patriots just love our “privilege”. Oh, Joe….

Since hitting the lucky DNA mega-jackpot, Joe P. now keeps busy “golfing, traveling, volunteering and giving” .

And, as time allows in his busy schedule, Joe takes the time to look down on us little people and educate us on how government should work. When we ignore him and the other Moderates that seek to run our party, and decide to run our own Patriot candidates, well that just won’t do.

I don’t know about you, but it sure seems like we need a better crop of elites in America.

Just your average Joe

ModerateNeoconRINOs like “Sioux Falls Joe” are very unsettled by the idea of non-political taxpayers getting involved in their closed game of politics. If you don’t understand that these country clubbers consider Patriots “the enemy” then we don’t stand a chance at defeating any of these 5 meteors. You woulda thought they learned a lesson from the recent primary defeats, but Leviathan will not go quietly into the night.

The truth behind the corrosive effects of OPEN PRIMARIES can best be understood, and communicated through, the use of analogies.

Here are a few:


  • Allowing foxes to design the henhouse door
  • Allowing Burger King to vote on McDonald’s board of directors
  • Allowing pagans to become church deacons
  • Allowing perverts to dress in women’s clothes and dance in front of kids
  • Allowing drug companies to dictate public health policy
  • Allowing the Detroit Lions coach to call the Vikings’ plays on Sundays

Simply put, OPEN PRIMARIES is DUMB, if you are a conservative Patriot. They’re also DUMB if you are a left-leaning Democrat,  which is why the SD Democrat Party is against it. Why in the world would you want people voting for your party’s representation who do not care about the principles that define the party? Party’s have platforms for a reason. If the “independents” out there want to be politically involved, they are free to vote willy-nilly for the most handsome/pretty candidate with charm and charisma in the general election, whomever they fancy in the moment. It makes no sense to give them a say in what kind of Republicans we get to choose from. When this happens, in every state, the most pliable (easily bribable) candidates vacuum in the most PAC money from the Donor Class to give them a sizeable advantage over the truly independent candidates who actually will vote in concert with the party platform.

OPEN PRIMARIES are the dream of the Uniparty.

A more scholarly argument against OPEN PRIMARIES can be read here>>>

There may have been a time when it was safe to let the Moderates run things in South Dakota. A time when we didn’t realize how fake and gay our own government has become; a time when we couldn’t see through the blatant lies that emanate from media, politicians, “experts” and every other institution. we used to have a modicum of respect for.

A time when we could trust the Managerial Class to keep America on a fairly upward trajectory of progress.

A time before Clownworld.

Those times are long past us now.


Now is the time to beat our ploughshares into swords.