HOT TAKE Spotlight: The Power of NO… By: Chris Larson

Introducing the No in NOvember campaign.

To misquote William F. Buckley, conservatism means standing athwart history and yelling “STOP!”.

Sadly, the success rate of “conservatism” these past 60 years has to be considered an abysmal failure, at this particular time in history. What, exactly, has actually been conserved? To answer that question, let’s go through a short list of foundational questions about the reality of our current era.

Compared to the good ol’ days, do we now have:

  1. A more moral culture?
  2. More racial harmony?
  3. A stable currency?
  4. More trust in our government and institutions?
  5. Fair and balanced journalism that holds the powerful accountable?
  6. Safer cities?
  7. Less sexual depravity?
  8. Less drug addiction?
  9. More nutritious food?
  10. Less violent crime?
  11.  More trustworthy and transparent elections?
  12.  Better educated youth?
  13.  More American made products?
  14.  Honest politicians?

Okay, I threw that last one in just for laughs. But still, who knew politicians could get even more craven and corrupt?!

I’m not writing a book here, so I won’t attempt to chronicle how we got here, but let’s focus on what we can do about it. We cannot change the past, but we certainly can stop sliding down the Slippery Slope RIGHT NOW, before we end up completely unable to redeem our American way of life.

There were many points along the way where we should have said NO.

But we’re here now, in Clownworld.

We can say NO.

Or even HELL NO!

Somewhere along the line, decent folks stop saying NO to the creeping “progressivism” – which is actually “transgressivism” – that has infected every inch of our society. I previously wrote about this distinction here >>> Transgressive

It’s been fascinating to witness prominent and influential people who had little interest in politics or culture war issues suddenly wake up and start yelling “NO MORE!”. No greater example exists today than lifelong Libertarian, galaxy-brain inventor, saver of Free Speech and world’s richest man Elon Musk. In a very recent interview with Jordan Peterson, Elon admitted that his primary motivation  for buying Twitter, openly questioning the Establishment, and even committing to donating $45 Million PER MONTH to getting Trump elected is to defeat the “woke mind virus” that “killed” his son.

Elon revealed to the world the role he himself played in allowing his son to succumb to the catastrophic delusion of trans ideology. In 2020, during the global “Mass Formation Psychosis” of covid, he signed his name to a document that permitted his then-16 year old son to begin the chemical castration of cross-sex hormone therapy. Elon fell prey to the commonly used blackmail of “Do this or I’ll commit suicide”. Now a father knows the pain of realizing his son is gone forever.

He knows he should have said “NO!”; and kept on saying NO until he saved his boy. Instead, he went along, avoiding conflict, and hoped for the best.

Immediately following the Luciferian sacrilege that was the Olympic Games opening ceremony, Elon posted this >>>>

When you have secularists imploring Christians to take a stand, and say NO!, that means we have a big problem. Moderns like Elon have faith in their ability to reason, to create incredible inventions, to control the world they occupy. Until they don’t. Their worldview does not equip them to say NO. Way down deep inside, even they know that it’s Christ or Chaos. The modern secular religion that has taken over every aspect of our world has a through line of Tolerance, the opposite of NO.

Rather than saying NO, the modern church has adopted Tolerance as an 11th Commandment, and so the enemy gains more ground. Where in the 10 Commandments is the idea of “tolerance” found? By my count, 8 of them are “Thou shalt not…”. That is our Creator telling us NO. If we can live a life of saying NO to those 8 sins, while honoring our parents and honoring the sabbath, we shall live a godly life of obedience.

Saying NO is a necessary tool that we must use to fight our sinful nature.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” – Gal. 5:22

Self-control is saying NO.

As a parent, we are responsible for raising other humans, which is a frightening experience for everyone who’s ever tried it. From the day they’re born, you as the mom or dad are judged for nearly every action that human will take over their lifespan. Saying NO early and often is the only way any of us survive it.

Today, In South Dakota, is one of those times. Today we stand athwart history, and are compelled to say NO!

Actually, We the People must be willing to say it, and encourage everybody we know to join in.


It’s even fun to sing it!

(Click to watch) – Hell to da naww

In November, South Dakota voters will be faced with four ballot measures that share 3 commonalities:

  1. Each one, if passed, will fundamentally change our state, for the worse.
  2. All are financed by out-of-state BIG MONEY.
  3. All three are Globalist dreams.

The powers behind these four ballot measures are counting on the fact that most SD voters are complacent, to the degree of apathy. But they don’t know that, over the past four years, the Heartland has been in the process of awakening. Every day, more and more of us regular citizens are paying attention.

A couple weeks ago, some of these regular tax-paying citizens showed up at the Minnehaha County Commission meeting (July 16 2024), to say NO to the proposed Home Rule Charter scheme of Kippley & Karsky. This was a beautiful example of the power that we have, just sitting there ready to be used. One by one, until Dean Karsky couldn’t take it anymore, people of the Heartland stood up and told their stories, and pushed back against a blatant abuse of power. Less than one week later, our “NO!” was rewarded with the announced defeat of the HRC idea. The people won.

We CAN defeat these four toxic statewide proposals. But we need all conservative-minded folks to be educated and motivated to vote them down.

We the People hold the power in South Dakota.

t’s time to DO SOMETHING. Saying NO means getting involved, donating some money, volunteering a little of your time, and spreading the message.

It’s time to say NO.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT HERE >>> Vote NO in NOvember website