HOT TAKE Spotlight: The Ruling Class, We’ll take it from here… By: Chris Larson

“I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory than by the Harvard University faculty.” — William F. Buckley

“Trust the experts”, they said.

Over and over and over, until we were left with no choice but to realize that even though these “experts” of the Regime had a complete monopoly on all communication networks, allowing them absolute control of their messaging to 100% of the American population, something was very wrong. The unholy alliance of government, private business, NGO’s and media resulted in the most coordinated and effective propaganda campaign the world has ever seen. Their moronic incantations incessantly broadcast literally everywhere – “Six feet/wear a mask/get vaccinated” – were disturbingly effective on a vast swath of our fellow citizens, while to many of us it became very clear that these people had a different agenda than their supposed one of “keeping us safe”. We knew that something wasn’t right.

We now knew the oppression of the heavy hand of the State, pressing down on us in the name of “safety”. Men who haven’t been completely feminized, and women who appreciate the beauty of God’s purposeful design of the two distinctly different sexes, recoiled at the obsessive fixation on safetyism. The world is dangerous, but we are strong. Every one of our ancestors had more difficult daily lives – more dangerous lives – than we moderns do. During the covid era, it was clear to many of us that we were the victim of MUNCHAUSEN BY PROXY at he hands of the Leviathan State.

For many of us, 2020 was a great awakening; a new birth out of our cocoon of naivete into the Truth of what our world actually is.

Our state-sponsored “experts”, promoted by the legacy media, are bought and paid for. By who isn’t always clear. Nothing is clear anymore. There never seems to be a reckoning. We’re never going to find out where covid really came from, and who is responsible. We’re never going to get the truth about the covid vaccines that aren’t actually vaccines. Bad actors won’t be brought to justice. No one ever takes responsibility. It’s always on to the next manufactured crisis that our government heroes can rescue us from.

When’s the last time a politician went to prison? And no, Trump doesn’t count because what they are doing to him is obviously Lawfare.

And does anyone really believe the assassination attempt on him was really just some random 20 year old kid who just managed to get all those shots off without the Secret Service having a clue, while a bunch of civilians filmed & pointed at a guy in broad daylight on a roof with a rifle?

Something’s not right.

Many things aren’t right.

I don’t trust any of them anymore. Government, media, big business, big pharma, media, big hospital, media, sports, media, entertainment, media. Only contempt.

In fact, the only people I trust are…people. Actual humans that I meet in person, to be exact. I don’t trust every single person I know or meet, obviously. But individuals and organizations that are removed from ever being held truly accountable are nowhere near my circle of trust. It’s simply just too easy to lie about their true intentions, and get away with it. They’re just too good at it!


It’s no newsflash to say that in our state there is a war for control of the Republican party. Many of you who are reading this have been enthusiastically engaged in this war, and are encouraged by our recent victories, rightfully so. For the uninitiated, the split in our party breaks down into two basic groups: the Establishment (RINOs) versus the Patriots.

For clarity sake, I will attempt to spell out some of the key differences in the two factions.

RINOs “trust the experts”. This applies not only to gov’t organizations such as the CDC and the OMB, but also to their fellow professional politicians (PP’s) who’ve managed to claw their way to the top, or middle, or wherever they happen to be lording their power over their constituents. During covid we saw this play out as Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken eventually caved into the mask mandate zealots due to the pressure from Big Hospital. By the way, this happened all the way into NOVEMBER of 2020, a full six months after many of us came to the realization of what a joke that these mandates were in the real world. I mean, restaurants were told to make us wear them everywhere in their building EXCEPT for when we were sitting down! As a Sioux Falls business owner, I ignored this “mandate”, because it was stupid and there were no penalties for non-compliance. I do not recall any RINOs joining me in my dissident behavior. It is reasonable, I think, to acknowledge that the mayor was thrust into a “global pandemic” wargame that he clearly wasn’t prepared for (how could anyone be?) and that he had the best of intentions for keeping the peace in his town, while pointing out that by this point in the game most of these measures “recommended by the CDC” were obviously idiotic and counter-productive.

RINOs are connected. Nearly every LibPublican in SD has benefactors at higher levels, a history of working for some high-level politician, and a direct line to the Donor Class. Examples: Summit, Sandford, Premier Bank. This is their armor. Money equals power, and power is everything to them.

RINO’s are typically self-described “conservatives”, but what they really mean is merely “Fiscally Conservative”. They would use a lot of high-falutin words to explain this of course, but in plain English they are really just crony-capitalists who believe that if they can keep the money flowing into and through our state, no matter how nefarious, then somehow South Dakota will magically remain a safe place for folks with Midwest values to continue to be able to raise their families.

RINOs claim to be Christians. Now I certainly can’t judge people’s faith journey, or read their minds, but with RINOs it’s pretty clear that no matter what church they attend, their actions, words and attitudes out here in the world are nearly indistinguishable from the heathen. One such example is when a local Republican politician told me that while he is personally “very religious”, he didn’t believe that Jesus cares about politics.

However>>> “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” – Colossians 1:16

True followers of Christ understand that to be obedient, we must keep Him central to what we do, every day all day in every aspect of our lives. And we must base everything we do on the Word. If you don’t do this in your everyday life, then you are a poser.

RINOs are hostile towards the idea of random powerless citizens running for office, showing up to city council and county commission and school board meetings to speak out, or doing anything, really, to exert influence on our own government. A Sioux Falls banker I know recently shared a story of a meeting he attended of the SD Bankers Association, wherein the discussion revolved around the importance of passing Amendment H in November ( click here »> Vote NO on H! ) Some of the most powerful men in South Dakota were in that meeting, and they all agreed that the bankers needed to band together to stop the “extremists” who won a bunch of primaries this past go around. What they meant by “extremists” were in fact the non-RINO candidates that we call Patriots. As I’ve stated before, the term “Patriot” in today’s lingo is an American citizen who sees our country through George Washington goggles, longing for a modern version of what this country would have been like in the late 1700’s. IMAGINE!

The “extremists” that these bank titans are so afraid of are the very same people – farmers, small business owners, retirees ect. – that they depend on for loans and deposit accounts. They are in fact targeting THEIR OWN CUSTOMERS. But, you must understand this fundamental truth about crony capitalists: They view people outside of their personal community merely as human resources, to be exploited.

RINOs are actually Democrats in Republican costumes. This is so obvious that it needs no further explanation. RINOs have hollowed out our belief systems and wear them as skinsuits.

RINOs worship money, ahead of all other priorities. Idolatry is a trap for all of us, to be sure, and anything we pursue can ultimately become an idol. But for the RINO, the economic upside of a law or project overrides every possible objection. See: CO2 pipelines, ethanol & wind energy scams.

The reality is that today, most politicians are professional (PP’s), highly educated, polished (slick), very good at what they do, and completely self-interested. Survival is what drives them, sometimes at any cost. For them, the juice is always worth the squeeze.

But ask them to change a tire….

Lol, the sad fact is that no matter where they begin their journey, the PP always becomes the kind of person that we all imagine to be thoroughly incapable of doing any kind of useful labor in the humdrum world that the rest of us toil in. Go ahead and try to picture the most famous politician you can think of chopping wood for the fireplace. Or working on a construction site, pounding nails, smoothing concrete, sanding sheetrock, shoveling dirt, chipping up old tile, or doing anything that is physically difficult.

No, I’ll bet you can’t do it. The truth is, though we may idolize these celebrities, we don’t respect them. Nor should we, unless they SPEAK and VOTE in a manner worthy of our respect.

Our founders would never have respected the modern PP. How do we know this? Just take a look at a few of the most well known founding fathers:

Benjamin Franklin was a scientist, inventor, newspaper publisher and businessman for more than 20 years before entering politics in the 1750’s. George Washington was a land surveyor and in the military for more than 20 years before entering politics in 1774 by becoming a member of the first Continental Congress. John Adams was a lawyer in private practice for 16 years before similarly entering politics in 1774. Alexander Hamilton was a trader before entering college and then served in the military under General Washington for 5 years during the War of Independence before entering politics in 1782

Personally, I feel most comfortable being around people who make their living with their hands. Farmers, ranchers, builders, tradesmen, craftsmen (and women), fishermen…..

Speaking of fishermen: And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”- Mark 1:17

Isn’t it interesting that when the Son of God was choosing men to educate, spread His message & build His church, his first choice wasn’t the highly educated and credentialed class in the Sanhedrin, but the working class. It’s almost as if the higher one rises in establishment-type organizations, the dumber they get about the truths that really matter.

And isn’t it interesting that the creator of the universe chose to place His son in human form in a working class family, headed by a carpenter.


So now that we’ve all – or at least most of us- been red-pilled, and come to the unavoidable conclusion that the talking heads on our tv’s and phones, our elected officials and basically anyone who is in a position of authority over us are no longer to be provided with our trust, what do we do? Just stick our heads in the sand and hope for the best?

No, hoping for the best is what got us in this mess to begin with.

In order to turn things around we must not only hold these people accountable, we must also demand that our voices be heard.

The good news is that in South Dakota, many good folks have been rising up and challenging the system, getting involved in grassroots efforts and even running non-politicians for office. This past spring (2024), the patriot wing of the Republican party saw huge victories over Establishment candidates, even though they (we) got outspent 6 to 1 in most races. So we know the path to victory. Tell your friends, support Patriots & remember to Vote NO in NOvember!