1 min Hot Take: Latest Rep. Dusty Johnson text message campaign, too little too late

Flashback to 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 245-182 to block President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency along the U.S. and Mexico border.

Democrats at the time said the declaration was unconstitutional and used a provision from the National Emergencies Act to try to halt Trump’s action.

Rep. Dusty Johnson was one of 13 Republicans to join all Democrats backing the measure.

Fast forward five years later.  How is that decision working out for Rep. Johnson? Democrats have attempted desecration of our constitution at every opportunity. Illegal immigration is rampant. Migrant crime is skyrocketing.

Now a sinister plan to allow for illegals to vote in the upcoming election. Easily the most important election in our lifetime and Rep. Johnson will forever get to be a part of the legacy of bad decisions that allowed it to happen.

These illegals would not be here had Rep. Johnson done the job that South Dakotans elected him to do by helping President Trump secure the border to protect our country.

When the problems get out of hand, however it happens Rep. Johnson,…you own it!

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