The “Duhamel Diaries” – HB1257 An Act to require age verification by websites containing material harmful to minors.

The Senate race in District 32 will certainly be interesting this November. Establishment Republican Helene Duhamel (recruited by Lee Schoenbeck) was unopposed for the June 2024 primary election. Enter into the arena Republican Karen McNeal, who successfully entered the race for this Senate seat as an Independent, and will take on Duhamel in the general election on 5 Nov 2024. Karen has received support from conservative grassroots republicans working to elect better representation in Pierre.

Here’s today’s dose of the “Duhamel Diaries”…

In the 2024 session Sen Duhamel voted to defer this bill to the 41st legislative day. This bill would have protected our children and required pornographic websites to implement age verification to keep minor children off of their websites. The bill had quite a ride through the chambers and is one you should really take a hard look at for some eye opening clarity on how our supposed “conservative” legislators voted.

The bill can be viewed here:

How criminal!