1 min Hot Take: We know a Conservative when we see one, Amanda Radke Edition!

The Dakota War College anonymous trolls strike again. This time it’s horrible comments directed at conservative power house Amanda Radke.
In a Facebook post, Amanda fired back, stating…”Ah, the voices of spineless anonymous haters hiding behind a computer screen…they sure keep ya humble. I have disappointing news for them though — their comments aren’t a deterrent on the important work ahead; instead, they are a motivator to continue to fuel the fight for family farms and ranches and our communities in the heart of rural America. Charge on, my friends. The truth will prevail! P.S. Stand firm in your God-given, Constitutionally-protected private property rights and safeguard local governance from the thieving hands of the Big Brother Nanny State Government. Vote NO on RL21 in South Dakota.”
You can follow Amanda on FB here: https://www.facebook.com/authoramandaradke
Send us a note at [email protected] and tell us about a conservative mover and shaker that is making an impact around the state. We would love to feature our citizen fighters!