South Dakota Rep. Dusty Johnson now stands for OPEN Borders and OPEN Primaries

Yes, you read that headline right. The lone representative from South Dakota, Rep Dusty Johnson, signed the petition to bring Open Primaries to a vote in South Dakota. In a comment to The Dakota Scout, his campaign spokeswoman said the congressman signed the petition as a favor to a friend.

“Dusty signed the petition as a courtesy to a friend. He isn’t supporting Amendment H and will be voting ‘no’ in November,” the statement said.

So Rep. Johnson now stands for OPEN Borders and OPEN Primaries! He is WELL on his way to ensuring Democrats and RINOs rule our state in perpetuity. A true conservative would never sign a petition like this.

Review our recent Hot Take on Johnson’s most recent text message about the illegals in our country who he facilitated being here by NOT supporting President Trump’s emergency border wall funding.

South Dakota Constitutional Amendment H, the Top-Two Primary Elections Initiative, is on the ballot in South Dakota as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 5, 2024.

A “yes” vote supports replacing partisan primaries with top-two primaries for state executive, state legislative, congressional, and county offices.

A “no” vote opposes this ballot initiative, thus keeping partisan primaries for state executive, state legislative, congressional, and county offices.

Can anybody continue to confidently state that the idea of open primaries is only a “left-wing assault” on our state being attempted through this initiative? With “Conservative” Rep Dusty Johnson throwing his signature behind it, it’s clear to us now more than ever that Rep Johnson is willing to further causes aligning with the liberal agenda and furthering the cause for the Uniparty in this country.

Again, a true conservative would never sign a petition like this.

It seems Congressman Johnson may see the writing on the wall that South Dakotans are not too happy with him and those, in our local and state government, who support him. To date, he has refused to endorse President Trump, despite South Dakota being an overwhelming stronghold for the President. Seems Dusty may be quite out of touch with his constituents.

Plain and simple, Open Primaries are designed to kill your vote so the elite political professionals pick your leaders. It invites out of state influences and money!

States only have open primaries essentially so that Democrats can cross over and vote for RINOS (now you see why it’s appealing to good old Rep Johnson!). The Democrats in South Dakota could advise their party voters that the upcoming Democratic primary is meaningless and ask them to use their votes to cross over and vote for the RINOcrat. There is also a chance Republicans split the vote and a Democrat wins outright. This is the Uniparty exemplified. They are happy with their RINO pick and would be just as content (truly) if a Democrat won the race.

The SDGOP has taken the position of voting NO on Amendment H. While this is good news, it is sadly the only position they have taken on the multiple ballot items that could change the fabric of South Dakota.

An email sent on 28 Aug 2024 from Chairman Wiik states:

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to provide you all a brief recap of the meeting that took place on August 24th, 2024, at Oacoma.

The meeting was called by members of our central committee. The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss the ballot measures before us this fall.

No official votes were held, and no formal positions on any ballot measures were established during this session.

The SDGOP has taken an official position on Amendment H.  That was stated in our January 2023 official meeting. We commend Ezra Hayes for leading that effort.  All other measures have no official SDGOP endorsement.

As we go forward to November, we need to work together to elect Republicans. As you’re working with your candidates, remember that the SDGOP bulk mailing rate is available for all Republican candidates. Talk to Reggie or me for details.

For the party,

John Wiik

So here we are. Another example of the disconnect between the state and our “representation” in DC.

If you still aren’t connecting the dots, you can simply look to comments made just prior to the June primary elections by Sen Lee Shoenbeck in a South Dakota Searchlight article:

Schoenbeck said today’s Republican party consists of two different groups of people.

“There are the normal Republicans, and there are these strange individuals who are not conservative. They’re just unusual,” Schoenbeck said. “But they turn out big in primary elections. So, if normal, regular-thinking conservative folks don’t vote in this primary, the highly unusual folks will win.”

These “highly unusual folks” who “are not conservative” just so happen to be the ones who resoundingly came out on top during the June primaries. Their primary wins were due mostly in part to the fact that South Dakotans don’t appreciate having their land taken from them via eminent domain to serve the overlords of the Green New Deal boondoggle.

Those wins were indeed a “political earthquake” as stated by Rep Scott Odenbach of District 31, and the panic that is ensuing by the establishment Republicans in this state is palpable.

Schoenbeck has tossed his support behind Amendment H as well…telling. On 19 Aug he shared a post by South Dakota Open Primaries and advised his followers on X “Vote yes on H please.”

Follow the No in November campaign on X at and on Facebook

Petition photo curtesy of The Dakota Scout who broke the story. You can read the entire story here:

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