The “Duhamel Diaries” – SB201 – The criminal land grab!

The Senate race in District 32 will certainly be interesting this November. Establishment Republican Helene Duhamel (recruited by Lee Schoenbeck) was unopposed for the June 2024 primary election. Enter into the arena Republican Karen McNeal, who successfully entered the race for this Senate seat as an Independent, and will take on Duhamel in the general election on 5 Nov 2024. Karen has received support from conservative grassroots republicans working to elect better representation in Pierre.

Here’s today’s dose of the “Duhamel Diaries”…

This one is a no brainer at this point. Helene Duhamel was a YES vote. The legislators who voted YES on SB201 sold you out, stomped on your private property rights, supported a CO2 pipeline boondoggle carbon capture credit scam, an illegal land grab via eminent domain, and endorsed the World Economic Forum Green New Deal insanity. We’ve already ousted 14 other incumbent legislators who voted for this mess, let’s add her to the list on 5 Nov. How criminal!

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