Davison County Commissioners Kill the Auditor position!

In a Facebook post Sunday evening, Sonja Hundley VanErdewyk informed Davison County citizens that their county commissioners voted to combine the auditor and treasurer positions. This following the recent resignation of Auditor Susan Kiepke.
From Facebook:
*Commissioners claim combining the Treasurer and Auditor will be more efficient and save money.
          **Truth: They have NOT provided any objective quantitative or financial data/cost benefit analysis (PROOF) to back up this claim.
*Combining TWO FULL-TIME jobs into ONE adversely affects the ability and effectiveness to cover the duties of BOTH FULL-TIME occupations.
          **Doubling the workload into one position means the Auditor duties would be delegated downward to an appointed employee.
*Commissioners claim the Treasurer/Auditor will be an elected position, but taxpayers/voters will have no say in who performs the Auditor duties.
         **Your vote for an INDEPENDENT Auditor will be ABOLISHED.
         **Commissioners are jeopardizing Davison County financial and election integrity. CRITICAL IN THIS ELECTION YEAR!
*This consolidation sets the stage for at least 3 other things to happen:
          1) Increasing pay for the consolidated Treasurer/Auditor.
          2) Hiring 1 or 2 additional full-time employees (in addition to replacing the Deputy Auditor who resigned effective 9/2/2024).
          3) A tax increase to pay for the salary increase and salary and benefits for the additional position(s).
*Segregation of duties is a fundamental accounting principle critical to prevent embezzlement and fraud. It is widely acknowledged within the accounting arena and specified by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
*Combining the Treasurer and Auditor clearly presents a conflict of interest and increases the risk of fraud or other illegal actions. It’s like the fox guarding the henhouse!
*The Auditor MUST remain INDEPENDENT, NOT subservient to the Treasurer!!
                                 ***YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!!!***
Come to the County Commission meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, before 11:00 a.m. at the Davison County Fairgrounds, to voice your opposition against this unethical, if not illegal, action.
*FYI-I presented a powerpoint laying out a comparison of the costs of the machines versus hand counting. This information was obtained through a FOIA request that she made and paid for. In addition, this information was also obtained from the SD SOS office. 2019-2020-
They spent $35,024.65 on election equipment and resources(this did not include the cost to hire poll workers) alone but hand counting would cost $5100!!!!! Where is the transparency and facts for why they want to do this????
County Commissioners Contact information can be found at this link (https://www.davisoncounty.org/commission/) and the agenda here (https://www.davisoncounty.org/agendas-minutes/commission-agenda-and-minutes/).
Photo via Mitchell Republic

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