1 Min Hot Take: Via Rep Karla Lems – RED ALERT: The feds can use THIS shady new law to SEIZE private land

Via Karla Lems for State House District 16 on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karlalems16

“Yep! Everyone needs to be aware of the sustains act! This is not good. Private companies can give money to the USDA? You heard that right.” – Rep Lems


The SUSTAINS Act is a new law in the works that in classic tyrant fashion would drastically harm Americans’ ability to own land.

The law would give the USDA the power to monitor “natural processes” and decide who owns “environmental services.”

“The USDA now is monetizing natural processes under the SUSTAINS Act,” Glenn Beck says, disturbed. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to be stopped.”

“In other words, one environmental process is trees breathe in carbon dioxide, and they breathe out air. OK, so they take the pollution and breathe it in and then they give us what we need to live as they breathe out,” Glenn explains.

If the USDA has its way, it will try to control the natural processes that occur on your land.

“They are claiming the processes that are on your land. So you may not own the air, you may not own the tree, you may not own the water,” Glenn says. “What is your land worth without water?”

“Farmers, what is your land worth when you can’t till the soil yourself because the minerals and the soil is not really owned by you? You own the space, but you don’t own anything other than maybe your house, if it’s already built,” he continues, adding, “Our government is out of control.”

“This is a way for them to take control of the land through private public partnerships,” he says. “These things are actually happening.”

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