In the lead up to the 2024 presidential election, we’ve heard over and over that this is the most important election of our lifetimes. If you are even the slightest bit attentive to what is going on around you, you know this to be true. Depending on the level of your knowledge of what is happening in the world right now, you may be feeling the oppressive weight of the unknown outcome of November 5, 2024, looming ahead in 56 days to be exact.
The upcoming presidential election is NOT about Democrats and Republicans. It’s not even about Trump V. Kamala. It’s not about policy differences, taxes, economics or any of the other BS they’ve used to distract us with while the shadow government installed their puppets through fake elections over the years. The vote on the ballot in November is a vote for good or evil, freedom or communism (enslavement), survival of the Republic or the fall of the greatest country on earth.
The unmasking of the deep state continues, and the firehose of information continues to blast us at unprecedented levels. The corruption in almost every aspect of every day life is being exposed for everyone to see. You just need to have your eyes open.
Collectively, the small but mighty army of election activists across the country, still carrying the torch with an iron resolve, are now to the point where we know we are at the point of no return. We are sitting on the edge of the edge of the tallest roller coaster in the world, about to head into a twisting, winding, terrifying ride of the next election season (2 months of fake polls, absentee ballots, and Lord knows how many days/weeks/months of counting, followed by the challenges and lawfare.) We have more than enough evidence nationwide, exposed every machine and software vendor, unraveled the centralized, federalized Obama perfected DHS controlled real-time data monitoring/changing network and gave every official ample opportunity to do the right thing.
Yet, here we are, four years later, and virtually nothing has changed. Legal challenges were law-fared to death, still no transparency, election deniers attacked, any effort to hand count has been shut down, and we still have J6 prisoners locked up and more continue to be arrested.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland just told the American people that we only need look at the J6 prisoners to know what will happen to anyone who attempts to interfere with the 2024 election results.
The official narrative has turned 180 from 2020’s safest and most secure election in history to the FBI and CISA forecasting fast moving threats and DDOS attacks to our election systems with delayed results reporting. They have since put out advisories regarding potential Iranian and Russian threats to our national election infrastructure; but don’t you dare question the results!
An interesting juxtaposition in the narrative is the DOJ says Russia will attempt to influence the outcome of the election, and Putin has said he supports the cackling Kamala, so are we to assume Russia hacked the election if Harris wins?
Michigan’s highly corrupt SOS Jocelyn Benson came out with this warning to any state canvassers who would consider not certifying the election: “WE WILL COME FOR YOU.” Davison County’s Susan Keipke did her best to push the DOJ’s 2024 narrative for NACO, and Monae Johnson’s SB20 also came straight from Garland’s corrupt DOJ. You can click HERE to see which legislators voted YES on SB20.
This is the most important election to the deep state actors too. A second Trump administration means a whole new level of routing out the corruption, and this time prosecuting it. We hope there’s enough room in GITMO.
Trump recently put out this warning on Truth Social:
As we wait in limbo praying for God to mercifully intervene on our behalf, election database expert Jeff O’Donnell posted this on Telegram:
I am seeing a lot of “but if Trump loses then…” posts.
I urge you to not waste your valuable time and mental energy playing those games.
Those of you who have followed me for years know how important my faith is to me, how I am certain that God sent me on this journey and, while He certainly doesn’t need me to accomplish His will, He chose to let me help, at least for a while. There has been and will be no greater honor.
So let me foray into negativism for the last time. If President Trump loses this election, it will mean that we as a nation have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. And God in his wisdom has decided that like the Israelites freed from bondage in Egypt, we need to wander the full “40 years” in the desert. We tasted the freedom from 2017-2020. We have been in the desert now for 4 years.
Everything will have changed, and we cannot foretell what comes after. Perhaps we are at the end times and the post-tribulation Christians were right all along. None of us can say.
All I know is that absolute power and might have not been seized from God, he fully retains them and will for all time. I believe, at a level beyond understanding, that He will save us, but the timetable is fully His. There is no sense worrying about the future past election day because it will be a totally uncharted course. We may be put into bondage, we may find ourselves in a war, we may find ourselves watching a Pale Horse fly gracefully through the sky.
Personally, I believe, again at a level that is beyond understanding, that God will bless our work, patience, and steadfastness during this time in the desert. Many others have said the same thing. No amount of cheating will give them this election if God ordains differently. Again, No amount of cheating will give them this election if God ordains differently. The work of our hands is pretty much done. The work of our prayers continues. (And in the end, is the more effective action). God’s will must be done, but we must pray that He finds a way within that perfect will to free us.
We cannot control, we cannot imagine, we cannot really even prepare for what would happen should we lose. So waste no effort on it. Now is the time for trust, and I do not mean in humans. If we act as though we have already won (while still working just as hard, mind you), and start thanking God for that victory now, He will hear us. This is what the enemy fears. It makes us uncontrollable.
It will be great in the end. And if its not great, then its not the end.
Sorry if this is a departure from my usual posts, or at all confusing, but it’s how i feel. My pastoral training pops out from time to time.
God bless you.
We agree Jeff. The work of our hands is pretty much done. We have all the evidence, we’ve done the work, we’ve filed the legal cases, we’ve exposed the corruption, we know what to do. Now we wait.
On the national scene, God is on the move.
Tucker Carlson speaks publicly, and frequently, about the war between good and evil and declares in the end, GOD WINS. “I don’t know where this goes, I can’t even guess where this goes, but I know who wins in the end. And that is good enough for me.”
And then there’s Russel Brand, on his knees praying to Jesus Christ on stage with Tucker Carlson. I mean, who ever thought you’d see the day?
This past Sunday, Senior Pastor of Emmaus Road Church Sioux Falls Ryan Chase opened a new series on Judges. It is a timely message for us as we live in a godless culture facing issues such as abortion, LGBT, DEI, cultural Marxism, sanctity of human life, race and ethnicity, creation v. evolution etc. in America’s dumpster fire of moral and spiritual decay. The second point in the sermon is Beware the Calamity of Compromise. There is so much to say on that point, but it’s well worth the time to listen to this important message from the Lord for us as the truth is assailed in our current evil age.
Pastor Chase says “in 8 weeks we have the most important election of our lifetimes. As much as that seems overused, most Americans have the sense that we are just teetering on the edge, the future of our nation is at stake. We need perspective. Perspective that can only come from the Living God through his Word.” WATCH HERE.
Again, this election is not about Trump or Kamala, Republican or Democrat. The end result will either save our country from utter destruction or it will send us off the cliff into the eternal abyss of communism. (anti-God government/government Is God)
Tucker Carlson’s new found freedom to discuss all the issues and the ability to entertain any guest he wants has led to a mind-blowing lineup of guests blowing the lid off the corruption that the propaganda arm of the captured government has been running cover for for decades. Conspiracy no more.
Casey and Calley Means expose big pharma and the food industry HERE. A fantastic must see interview.
Watergate was a Scam – you don’t say.
Mike Benz (follow Mike Benz on X) exposing the Blob, the State Department, and the intelligence agencies corruption HERE.
Jack Psobiac details world history and communist government’s attack on Christianity and the internal Democrat party Coup that took out Biden HERE.
Telegram creator Pavel Durov on censorship HERE, who has since been arrested in France for refusing to let governments back door access to the platform.
And last but not least, RFK Jr. talks to Tucker about the downfall of the Democrat Party HERE. A must watch!
These are just a few great interviews that are now mainstream.
Oh – let’s review how/why Tucker was fired from Fox and exactly how that related to the Dominion defamation case pay off. A $1 BILLION loan from the BANK OF CHINA to Fox to SETTLE the Dominion law suit. They did not want discovery which would expose the fraud. PERIOD. Conspiracy no more.
RFK Jr’s endorsement of President Trump and the campaign to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) is music to the ears of many an American.
Mission: end the censorship, end the surveillance, end the war machine, end the chronic disease epidemic. Sounds pretty good to us!
RFK Jr also knows the health of our children (and adults) has been sold out to big pharma. He knows vaccines cause autism, auto immune disorders, cancer, allergies, neurological problems, and a whole myriad of symptoms that make them lifelong medical patients. Our depraved government agencies and officials have no problem making themselves rich off their criminal negligence. If you don’t believe that, it’s way past time to WAKE UP. Check out his organization Children’s Health Defense HERE. Who was sounding the alarm on the weaponized C0vid virus, deadly protocol, suppression of healing protocols, and clot, myocarditis and turbo cancer forming MRNA jabs pushed by the conniving Anthony Fauci? It was RFK Jr. Read his book “The Real Anthony Fauci”.
RFK Jr. said he will end the crime of chemtrails that is altering the weather, changing the chemical make up of the soil, and poisoning our air and water. NO – these are NOT contrails. Look up for goodness sake. How would the state of Tennessee ban something that doesn’t exist? How many conversations have you had with others about the crazy weather? It’s about darn time!!!
![]() President Trump announced he would appoint RFK Jr. to lead a commission on assassinations, which would expose and END the C!A. How many presidential assassinations do you think were random acts of violence? Have you seen this ad yet? Hordes of other Democrats continue to defect from their unrecognizable party, which now only represents death, war, theft, taxation, globalism, totalitarianism, fascism, and racism. The current day democrat party has no allegiance to America or her people. Only greed. The globalist open borders have flooded our country with illegals, with many criminals and fighting aged men now embedded in our communities. Venezuelan gangs have taken over apartment buildings in Illinois, Texas and Colorado. Our citizens are victims of their violent crimes. 20K Haitians imported into Springfield Ohio are now reportedly wreaking havoc eating ducks out of the community park and eating neighborhood pets. Seriously??? We don’t do that in AMERICA! Thanks border czar Harris! Trump has promised to close the border and deport the millions of illegals that are still flooding into our country. Is your community becoming unrecognizable? How many more can we sustain before collapse? How many are headed to your town?WATCH this video: Millions of these illegals then get a drivers license and get registered to vote. 29 million ineligible voter registrations just 20 states. You’ve heard the term “too big to rig”, and truly, the percentage of people that actually want to live under a totalitarian regime is very small. IF the vote is fair, the vote for freedom will win in a landslide. But, we all know the vote isn’t fair. Either way the election results are reported, we are on a collision course with lethal conflict. The globalist regime won’t go quietly, nor will the American Patriot surrender to another government instigated insurrection or an overthrow of our Republic. Only God can save us from what is sure to be pure chaos. Elections have consequences. STOLEN ELECTIONS HAVE CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES.We truly are standing at the gates of Hell. It’s time to choose. Choose wisely. May God Save America. “And where the Body of the People, or any single Man, is deprived of their Right, or is under the Exercise of a power without right, and have no Appeal on Earth, there they have a liberty to appeal to Heaven, whenever they judge the Cause of sufficient moment.” – John Locke |