The Debate – What’s your take?

Now that you have had some time to digest what you saw last night, what do you think?

Gov Noem weighed in saying, “After the debate, we still don’t know who Kamala Harris is, what she’d do, or why she hasn’t done it as VP. All she could do is lie about her positions and attack @realDonaldTrump, with the moderators propping her up every step of the way.”

Elon Musk posted for his millions of followers on X, “While I don’t think the debate hosts were fair to @realDonaldTrump, @KamalaHarris exceeded most people’s expectations tonight. That said, when it comes to getting things done, not just saying nice-sounding words, I strongly believe that Trump will do a far better job. After all, if Kamala can do great things, why hasn’t she? Biden rarely shows up for work, so she’s basically in charge already. The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change?”

Our take? She lied. A lot. It was 3 on 1. ABC was the real debate loser.

Sound off!


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