1 min Hot Take: Another County has election hand count petition rejected

In a Facebook post today, Jessica Pollema, South Dakota Canvassing Group added Hamlin County to the list of counties across the state that have had their county petition to ask voters to choose between hand counting ballots or allowing the machines to continue to count the ballots, unconstitutionally and illegally rejected by their commissioners.

Hamlin county joins McCook, Lawrence, McPherson, Charles Mix, and Butte counties as the latest victim of Attorney Sara Frankenstein who has been touring the state convincing commissioners to illegally reject citizen petitions.

Flashback to HB1140, where Attorney Sara Frankenstein worked with legislators to try and pass a bill that would allow commissioners to reject petitions from citizens for any reason they wanted. If they think it’s illegal, they can reject it. It they think it’s a bad idea, they can reject it. HB1140 failed to pass and yet we still see these petitions being rejected and citizens sent off to fight back in the courts. Lawfare in this state and in this nation is rampant.

The post states: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/qMEULBaDuBWNtPPW/

Let’s review:
***** HB1140 FAILED *********
David Wheeler said this on the Senate Floor: “This bill has been brought to us b/c we do have a situation where several counties have been seeing identical petitions that are going to be submitted to them…. UNDER CURRENT LAW, If someone brings or gathers enough signatures to bring an initiated county ordinance, that violates federal or state law, the county is REQUIRED TO STILL HOLD AN ELECTION. It doesn’t matter how unconstitutional or how illegal it is, the county STILL (HAS TO HAVE AN ELECTION).”
Sarah Frankenstein successfully convinced the sixth county to unconstitutionally DENY a county petition with enough verified signatures their right to petition their gov’t for redress of grievances.
To the citizens of Hamlin, McCook, Lawrence, McPherson, Charles Mix, and Butte Counties:
All of the citizens of your county who signed the petition have been unlawfully and unconstitutionally denied their First Amendment right to petition the government. They commission and agreeing States Attys have knowingly and willfully broken the law out of cowardice. They have publicly violated their oaths as they spit and stomped on your constitutional rights while denying your petitions.
As we laid out in multiple Substacks, they ALL KNOW what they are doing. There is a behind the scenes effort to squash the election movement in our state with no regard for the law.
They have made clear that there is no representative republic, no separation of powers, but rather a tyranny has set in as your government has NO REGARD for your rights. All authority designated to the judicial branch has been given to Sarah Frankenstein’s personal opinion.
Remove them from office and file any kind of legal or criminal challenge their way that you can. This simply cannot stand.
As Rep Sue Peterson said : “You can’t fix something YOU THINK is unconstitutional by doing something unconstitutional.”
Maybe someone wants to hire David Wheeler to represent them?
A commenter added… “They have no interest in honoring their Oath of Office or the Constitution. As Obama said “there is this little thing called the Constitution that stands in the way of doing what we want to do. But I’ve got a phone and a pen and we’ll get it done anyway.” Our state government acts the same way.”

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