Communication BLACKOUT! – South Dakota’s ‘Pro-Life’ Politicians Notoriously Silent On Extremist Abortion Amendment

Via The Federalist:

7 minute read definitely worth the time!

On paper, South Dakota is one of the reddest, most pro-life states in the United States. The Republican politicians who reside in and are sworn to represent the Mount Rushmore State such as Gov. Kristi Noem, Senate Minority Whip John Thune, Sen. Mike Rounds, Rep. Dusty Johnson, and others, however, have been curiously quiet about the biggest threat to their constituents’ values: Amendment G.

Starting this month, voters in South Dakota can weigh in on seven different ballot initiatives. Several seek to reinvent the state’s ability to regulate elections, marijuana, and unlimited abortion. If passed, Amendment G would undermine South Dakota’s current prohibition on abortion and allow the fatal practice through birth as long as a physician deems it necessary for women’s health, a term that is both vague and left undefined.

The proposed amendment doesn’t simply strip the state’s ability to protect women and babies from harm. As in other states, it could be easily litigated by outside activists like Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union to eliminate parental rights and conscience protections for doctors who have moral or religious objections to abortion.

Despite complaints and allegations of misconduct surrounding the signature-gathering and petition process, Amendment G slid through the state’s months-long certification process to make it on the Nov. 5 ballot.

A majority of U.S. adults reject the abortion extremism found in the proposed amendment. Ballot measures like Amendment G, however, are carefully crafted with vague language and undefined terms to trick unsuspecting voters into supporting it. Its presence alongside a proposal to legalize marijuana for recreational use, a tactic abortion activists use to attract hesitant voters to the polls, is no coincidence.

One of the easiest ways to keep constituents from falling for euphemistic calls for “reproductive rights” that contradict their true feelings about late-term abortions is to offer clarifying commentary on the nature of radical ballot measures. Instead of using their political megaphones to fight for the lives of women and children in their state, however, South Dakota Republicans have kept their lips sealed and their social media accounts carefully curated to avoid discussing the dangers posed by Amendment G.

Keep reading Via The Federalist:

Hot Take via Taffy Howard: “I will not let it be said of me that I was silent in the face of this attack on life in our state. Please vote NO on Amendment G, it is radically extreme and has no place in our conservative, pro-life state. If you’d like more info on the amendment itself, please go to

Via Life Defense Fund:

Pointing out the obvious – that Amendment G is too extreme for SD, and here’s why!
Amendment G legalizes abortions through all nine months of pregnancy, including after the baby is viable outside the womb.
Amendment G denies parents the right to know when their underage daughter is undergoing an abortion procedure.
Amendment G endangers women by canceling requirements for abortionists to follow basic hospital health and safety standards. Abortions will be conducted without doctors and outside of safe facilities.
South Dakotans, Vote NO on G
WSY, Readers? Sound off!


Photo via The Federalist

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