SD Freedom Caucus Introduces New State Director

In an email sent out Saturday morning, the South Dakota Freedom Caucus introduced the new State Freedom Caucus Director, Hannah Determan.

Young Americans getting involved in governance.

Hannah Determan grew up in Minnesota and attended South Dakota State University from 2020-2024 and graduated with a degree in Economics. Her family moved to Oklahoma two years ago where she currently resides, but she will be relocating to Sioux Falls in December. She served as the South Dakota State Chair with Young Americans for Liberty while in college, in 2023 she was awarded the Torchbearer of Liberty at the Young Americans for Liberty Revolution convention and worked full time this summer as a Deputy Regional Director at YAL before coming to the Freedom Caucus. When asked about the SD Freedom Caucus, Hannah replied, “I’m excited about this new role and getting to know all of you!”

State Director contributes to the SD Freedom Caucus with research, communications and legislation drafting.
Legislative Session starts Jan 14, 2025. The legislators could face up to 700 bills and to be fully informed on the ins and outs of each bill takes research, time and effort. The SD Freedom Caucus will be asking Ms. Determan to help along the way by researching some of the topics brought before us.

It will be refreshing to get new perspectives from the up and coming leaders of our great state. Hannah has been engaged in government from the outside and has studied how our system of government was designed, a Representative Republic where the people choose representatives from their perspective districts to be their voice. These representatives are charged with the sworn duty to protect the rights of US citizens and citizens of South Dakota.

We welcome Hannah to the team and we look forward to her communicating with all of our incredible supporters


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