Things that make you go hmmmmm – SDFRW to elect new Officers

Looks like SDFRW President Catherine Barranco is doing in her words “God’s plan” and bowing out of the title “Past President” to allow for the continued presence of Penny Sattgast and Sandy Rhoden. Penny Sattgast will default to the position of Past President. Looks like Rhoden stronghold Meade County is taking over! Bekka Carstensen Zerbst, of Sturgis (and daughter of former Mayor Carstensen and her husband was a former Sturgis Councilman) is listed on the slate as the new president of SDFRW.  Then there is Debbie Schnell, of Tilford (and Sandy Rhoden’s sister) as a VP.

Rhodens and family all over the place! Don’t forget that Reginald Rhoden is the Executive Director of the State GOP.

LETTER from the President re. the Slate

Within the Call to Convention, you’ll find the Slate of Officers chosen by the Nominating Committee. The
transition from President to Past President is automatic; since the delegation does not vote on it, Past
President is not listed on the slate. So, I wanted to take this moment to explain that we’re doing
something unusual this year — I, your current President, will not assume the Past President role when my
term ends in December, and I wanted you all to understand why. When nominations opened earlier this
summer, both Penny and Sandy expressed a willingness to run for Member-at-Large. If both were slated,
then my filling the Past President slot would’ve created an unprecedented situation with three Past
Presidents on the Executive Board. That would put our Nominating Committee in a difficult position: either
present a slate that would seat three Past Presidents, limiting the Committee’s ability to elevate new
talent, or don’t slate either Penny or Sandy, both of whom offer tremendous energy, wisdom, talent,
connections, and institutional knowledge. I prayed for God’s guidance, and when He spoke, I felt
completely at peace: the solution was for me to decline the Past President position. That way, Penny will
remain Past President, and the Nominating Committee can slate Sandy for a second term as
Member-At-Large. With only two Past Presidents on the board, the Nominating Committee can add a new
officer, helping her develop before she runs for President someday. I did not discuss this idea with Penny
or Sandy because I know they wouldn’t let me go through with it. I am truly blessed to call them both my
friends — I know they would’ve stepped aside in a heartbeat if I’d asked them to. Yet, I did not arrive at this
decision lightly. I considered every pro and con, examining the decision from every angle. After weeks of
prayer, I became convinced this solution isn’t perfect, but it is God’s plan. So, before the Nominating
Committee began deliberations, I requested they let me give one more gift to the sisterhood I love.

I will finish out my term as President, but when the clock strikes midnight to ring in the New Year, I
decline to accept the position of Past President. Penny was the President immediately before me, so the
position will revert to her. As a consequence, Penny is not included on the slate that we will vote on
during Convention. Instead, she will automatically resume her role as Past President by virtue of my
declining it. Please know that this isn’t coming from the Nominating Committee or from Penny or Sandy or
anyone else. This was entirely my idea. It is my choice and mine alone.

Rest assured — even though I won’t be on the Executive Board, I’ll still be around! If you need me, I’m
always just a phone call away. I look forward to seeing y’all at SDFRW events and am so excited to see the
heights to which SDFRW will ascend under the new, fantastic officers!!

These last 18 months have been extraordinary! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you’ve done
for SDFRW and for me personally.

Looking forward to seeing you all in September!
Catherine Barranco
SDFRW President



One thought on “Things that make you go hmmmmm – SDFRW to elect new Officers

  1. I fail to see what positive impact in policy or otherwise SDFRW actually offers the voters of South Dakota. It seems to be nothing more than an excuse to get together with your gal pals. Perhaps there is more going on East River. West river seems to be a bust. I don’t even see any sort of feel-good community events. What exactly are they chartered to do again? Seem like a lot of missed opportunity to me. Whatever their mission, it seems pretty closed off and not interested in appealing new blood to broaden the membership or advocate for conservative/Republican ideals in the public square.

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