Let’s have a conversation about Mike Rounds – Commentary Via The Calvin Coolidge Project

Let’s have a conversation about Mike Rounds.

Today, Rounds said he was opposed to President Trump firing Wray saying he was a good man and didn’t have a problem with how he ran things.

Did you know that he wouldn’t commit to backing the 2024 GOP nominee if it wasn’t Tim Scott?

Did you know he believed Russia was behind the attacks on the James Lankford border deal?

He said: “I suspect a lot of the internet rumors are very well coming from overseas, where they would love to see this shut down because some people would rather not see funding for Ukraine.”

Last week he publicly doubted if Trump would accomplish peace with Ukraine saying: “As much as I would like to believe we can negotiate with a tyrant I suspect we may be deceiving ourselves. We have to continue to support Ukraine because there’s so much at stake.

He voted to confirm Biden’s nomination of Judge Tanya Monique Jones Bosier to serve as an associate judge on the Superior Court of DC.

He voted to approve the extension of FISA.

He voted for the Ukraine passage without having any funding for border security.

He has one of the worst voting records in the United States among Republicans.

He fully believes Biden won the 2020 Presidential elections to which Trump asked if he was crazy or stupid.

Did you know that in 2020 he received a primary challenge from Conservative South Dakota State Representative Scyller Borglum? Trump backed Rounds in the primary which is a good reason why Trump shouldn’t endorse every single incumbent running for reelection because of the endorsement record.

The Good News is that Rounds is thinking about running for Governor in 2026 or running for reelection to the Senate. Rounds is currently 70 years old.

While we talk about Thom Thills, John Cornyn, or Markwayne Mullin receiving a primary challenge in 2026, this fool should be at the top of the priority box.  He cares more about Ukraine than America.

So, who should run against him? Some names to consider: Scyller Borglum, Taffy Howard, Toby Doeden, or some wealthy business person who has the financial support to run against this fool.  Please no Noem or Dusty Johnson. Somehow Dusty would be even worse.

How do people like him keep winning? Simple it is called My Guy Syndrome. Basically, people believe Washington is corrupt but their guy is just fine because they see ads like they are tough on the border they are fighting Democrats and they support Trump.

This works on the simple-minded. Hopefully, Trump primary this fool out in 2026.
