Guys, I hate to be the Bad News Bearer but it turns out that you are dumb. I am too, apparently.

(Totally real not-fake veteran who was very upset about SD’s primary system)
Sadly, by refusing to see the “simple truth” that was forthrightly presented in a 4th Grade reading level marketing campaign, we Big Dummies who voted against H have gravely disappointed the likes of Joe Kirby. He said so on his blog >>>>

(Oh no! Our “undemocratic system” that every single SD voter just got to vote in is in serious danger!!!!)

(so now Jon Hansen & Karla Lems aren’t “traditional conservatives”? lol ok…)

(Gee, I wonder why Open Primaries are so unpopular?)
& De Knudson commented on the same blog >>>>

(De just cannot believe how incredibly stupid we were to reject H)
Presumably we’ve also disgusted the Kippleys, Sanfords, Schoenbecks, Mayor TenHaken, Avera Hospital & the SD Bankers Association.
South Dakota voters are a buncha rubes that don’t know what’s good for us….
The benevolent sponsors of Amendment H, made up of primarily of shadowy PACs from out-of-state, spent around $2,000,000 to educate us prairiedog yankee hillbillies on the glories of electing unidentifiable vanilla Uniparty Moderates, instead of the “looneytune extremists” who inexplicably vote in alignment with their party’s platforms. Dumb!
Same thing with Amendment G. Rick Weiland spent millions of someone else’s dollars over a span of two years patiently explaining to us anti-preborn-baby-life-interrupter radicals that “Abortion is HEALTHCARE!”, “A woman has a right to choose so shut up” & “the majority of South Dakotans favor legalized abortion”; and yet on election day 60% of SD voters (the dumb ones, apparently) inexplicably said “NO Thanks”. I mean, don’t we know what’s good for us?!
Speaking of Rick, this guy simply has no shame. In the middle of watching his two ballot measures – Amendment G & IM 28- go down in humiliating flames he gave an interview – Shameless Rick interview
to a local SF news station announcing his plans to keep being a huge annoying A-hole by pestering the good folks of South Dakota with his endless schemes to stay relevant. According to Rick, he fervently wishes to keep agitating for what he calls “direct democracy”, which would have been a heresy to the Founders of this country; who as you all know spent a lot of time and energy creating the greatest form of government ever invented – a representative republic. Rick, who looked to me to be somewhat sober and not at all drunk, went on to say in that interview that he aims to and I quote “keep the legislature from getting involved in the People’s business”. Obviously Rick is not concerned whatsoever with his target audience (the actual morons of this great state) understanding the absurdity of his comments. Rick Weiland is not getting the message, folks.
Some of you may be wondering why I chose to write about this subject, a full month after the election is over. “Like, it’s time to move on man”, you may be thinking. To be honest, I debated the wisdom of writing it myself.
We certainly need to be able to accept & enjoy the victories that we were blessed with, while turning our attention to the new battlefronts that we may be led to engage in, moving forward. But I do think there is real value in taking the time to do a postmortem on our recent battles. These are communal experiences, after all, and it is good for the soul to remember our shared struggles; what we feared and why we feared them. It’s also important to understand our enemies, and there is no better way to do that than to read their own words, as they express their hopes & dreams & disappointments. In fact, fully understanding the enemy will help us to defeat them in the future, because it would be foolish to allow ourselves to think that certain globalist forces have gotten the message that the good citizens of South Dakota are not interested in fundamentally transforming our own state into California. By taking the time to investigate the true motivations of the prime movers behind these ballot initiatives, we can better equip ourselves to control the narratives, inform our fellow Normie citizens, and ultimately win in the never-ending mission of keeping South Dakota, well,,,, South Dakota.
After all, the main reason that the 4 worst ballot measures – H,G, RL21 & IM29 – were defeated was because the Patriots told better stories. REAL stories. The other side – let’s call them the Salesmen – worked very hard raising and spending millions of dollars attempting to persuade a relatively small number of people to vote for new laws that would have gravely perverted our small portion of the Heartland; using clever advertising images and pitches that were designed to bamboozle the low-info voter who lazily turns their gaze on the local political scene but once every two years for one or two weeks.
The Salesmen think that we “regular folks’ are stupid, clearly. And I believe that they will continue to target our wholesome state (yes, it IS wholesome compared to most coastal state cultures) for destruction through Transgressive (the real-world effects of Progressive policies and worldviews) means.
It must also be noted that none of the 4 “NO in NOvember” ballot measures arose out of any kind of grassroots organic impulse by our fellow citizens. All 4 shared another important component: Profit Motive. They were created out of the ether and foisted upon us by out-of-state groups who would financially benefit, somehow or another, from their passage.
So, yeah, I am ready to take the W and move on with my life. We won, BIGLY. But let’s not rest on our laurels, believing our enemy to be defeated and downtrodden. Rick, Joe and De may be licking their wounds now, but mark my words they will be back, with sharpened knives, enormous advertising budgets, and nefarious schemes.
Stay frosty my friends.