The RINO Vax – Stay up-to-date on your boosters! By: Chris J. Larson


At HyVee right now, you can get your Covid shot & Flu shot at the SAME TIME. Isn’t that convenient! On top of that, they’ll give you 20 cents per gallon off your next fill up. WOW! HyVee must really care about our health! Or is there perhaps an ulterior motive…?

New subscriptions grant you full immunity from the RINO virus.

Of course, I am being uncharacteristically sarcastic here, which I totally would neverrrr normally do since I reaallyyy despise sarcasm soooo much.

But if the grocery stores actually cared about keeping us free from viruses and disease, they would be offering what I have dubbed the RINO Virus Vaccine. Or at least they’d be offering them to our elected representatives, who are the most vulnerable community for becoming infected with the RINO Virus.

Some of us are blessed with a lifetime immunity, similar to those who’ve had the measles or hepatitis A. But for genuinely Conservative legislators heading to Pierre for the annual session, the threat of exposure to the RINO virus is on par with walking around Wuhan in the fall of 2020 and licking every lightswitch. They are what you call “at risk” and “immunocompromised”.

As I write this in early December 2024, we grassroots Patriots sit in a state of emotional schizophrenia. On one hand we are still euphoric over our complete & unexpected victories last month; and on the other we watch as our opposition – the moderate RINOs – appear to be operating under the illusion that their agenda suffered no such defeats, as they plow full steam ahead with their E.D. power-grabbing schemes.

How about taking some time to reflect on your setbacks at the ballot box? How about taking some time off of pushing your land-grabbing private property stealing shenanigans, as the voters have made clear is our desire? How about you wake up & smell the seething embers that fuel our discontent? How about you just lay low for awhile?

Yes, the Patriots are in Control in Pierre for the foreseeable future, sort of; & while we can tolerate some decorum and grace in dealing with the fake Republicans who they share the Capitol with, we nobodies down here in the villages absolutely will not stand down & stand by while our allies get rolled in the next session.

It’s our time to rule now.

It’s time to Make America Great Again, keep SD from becoming California & go on offense instead of perpetual defense. We’re not tired of Winning yet, because we haven’t even begun to win, actually. All we’ve accomplished is a temporary reprieve while our enemy reloads/regroups/recharges.

No, Tony Vanhuizen & Randy Diebert, you shall not be raising any sales taxes, or any other taxes for that matter. In fact, maybe I’ll just have my business stop collecting your sales tax altogether, considering what a burden it is on both my company & my customers.

No, Sioux Falls mayor Paul, you will not be lecturing the duly elected legislature about “staying out of culture war issues”. We fought & worked our tails off to replace the Establishment RINOs specifically so that our government would start paying attention to “culture war” issues. What you denigrate as “culture war” is actually everything that is wrong with this country.


Drug addiction.

Gender Confusion.

Sexualization of children.

Family destruction.

Loss of Parental Rights.

Loss of Property rights.

Insecure elections.

Corrupted politicians (I know, I know…nothing new here…)

I’ll bet if you stapled these people to a wall (in a totally non-violent way, of course), they would admit that these issues also matter to them, inside their own households with their loved ones.

It is also obvious from Summit’s full-steam-ahead post-election moves that the pipeline fight is far from over.

So yeah, we do have a lot to worry about, still. Keeping our movement moving forward should be at the top of the list. But how?

Coming up with the idea of a RINO vax is kinda funny, and fun to imagine. But in reality, this is a serious concern within the Patriot movement. We the People are gun shy, and nervous that the politicians that we contributed our time, money & hearts to getting elected are going to forget about us faster than a small-town smokeshow going off to college forgets about her small-town boyfriend.

Many of us have heard the stories of how well-meaning naive 1st-term legislators get compromised by special interests as soon as they check into their Pierre motel/NoTell. So of course we are apprehensive.

Beyond a few rock solid Patriot allies (No need to list them here. We know who they are), everyone else should be considered susceptible to the RINO virus infection. And since I doubt that Pfizer is planning on bringing an actual vaccine/clotshot to the market anytime soon, what can we actually do to Stop the Spread/Flatten The Curve?

SOCIAL DISTANCING- it might not be practical in the close confines of the SD Capitol as legislators go about their business of fiddling with our lives.

MASKS- (“wearing is caring!”) This might have been a practical solution if we hadn’t already developed a lifelong hatred of face diapers. It would actually work if we could force RINOs to wear one though. Then our allies could see them coming & avoid all contact.

WASH HANDS- this is always a good idea, especially in the restroom, but the RINO virus is generally passed through electronic bank transfers, so washing hands probably won’t help.

OSTRASIZE- We could try our hand at public shaming, like the media did to all of us who refused the face diaper & experimental drug injection for 3 years. We could hysterically scream things like “YOU ARE SELFISHLY PUTTING US ALL AT RISK!” & “IT’S A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED!!” But without the full force of Big Tech and legacy media we could never achieve Bully status.

CONTAINMENT- This would require law enforcement involvement, so it probably won’t fly, but we could strongly encourage politicians who’ve tested positive for RINO to Stay Home & Stay Safe!

TRACKING- I’m sure there’s an app for this, but similar to Sexual Predators we could require RINOs to keep GPS tracking turned on their phones at all times, so that we can use our apps to determine their whereabouts at any given time, and also watch out for clusters of RINOs so that our allies can avoid those places. Bars, banks, hog troughs…

These are all great ideas, as I’m sure you will agree, but most would require the RINOs’ participation in humiliating themselves, so they aren’t very practical solutions. What I ended up realizing is that the best and only effective RINO vaccine is….us.

The citizens who care and follow the voting, deal-making and verbal emissions of our elected officials are the only ones who can hold them accountable to the promises they made when they asked for our votes, and our support.

Therefore I ask all of my friends and fellow Patriots to stay vigilant, prayerful & engaged. As we look forward to much more Winning, let us think strategically, and refrain ourselves from reacting emotionally to seemingly bad news from our allies.

We must understand the the Friend/Enemy Distinction, & follow the Battle Plan. Here is who we fight, in order of importance:

  1. RINOs
  3. Never our fellow allies

We must also understand the importance of giving room for our fellow Patriots who gained political power to operate, without us constantly nipping at their heels. We can keep our eyes on them, without badgering them. We need to strengthen our party, and make sure our friends stay up to date on their RINO vaccines.

And, if anyone thinks that I should invest in some RINO face diapers, please comment below.

What can it hurt?

And remember, if you start to experience any RINO symptoms, such as greed or selfish ambition, please stay home until you are well again.