The CULTURE PACIFIST – Will you lay down your arms? By: Chris J. Larson



“I need the legislature to stay out of culture war issues and focus on the core needs of delivering services to the city and the state. Keeping a couple of books out of our libraries is probably not high on our priority list. Anything culture, they take a lot of time, and the ROI (return on investment) isn’t there for the community.”– SF Mayor Paul Ten Haken (Nov 5 2024)

I doubt that many of you missed the firestorm that erupted last week when Mayor TenHaken uttered his (hopefully) career-ending opinion about the upcoming SD legislature session. Mayor Paul lit a match and flung it into the drygrass, which resulted in some Patriots putting on a show which should definitely be viewed here»>

SF City Council Pedo Porn book readings

Patriots and Normies alike are beyond frustrated with Mayor Paul’s squishiness when it comes to fighting for conservative issues. I’ve made my position clear about him when I enshrined him onto the RINO Blacklist last month, which officially banned him from ever using the Conservative label again…. for whatever that’s worth. The final RINO reveal was made evident when Paul announced on Facebook his recommendation for voting YES on both Amendment H & RL29 (CO2 pipeline scam).

Rep. Bethany Soye, a proven Patriot of the Culture Warrior class, was particularly incensed by the notion that our representatives should avoid Culture War issues. “Parents being concerned about what their kids are exposed to isn’t a culture war, it’s called being a good parent”, she wrote in response. She also took the time to write an excellent piece posted by our friends at The Rushmore Republican here –

Rep Soye summed this issue up so succinctly that I almost decided to not write this post. Almost…

I decided to try to further the conversation here because I believe that understanding why these people do what they do, particularly in the name of “Christian tolerance”, is of paramount importance for the Patriot movement. Too long have decent law-abiding Bible-believing conservatives allowed ourselves to become complacent and willfully ignorant of the Culture War that has be waged against us.

Step one is acknowledging that we are in the midst of a Culture War. In fact, fighting over what type of culture we live in is endemic to the human condition. It’s unavoidable.

CULTURE definition: Culture is a crucial concept in sociology, as it shapes social relationships, social order, and how people make sense of the world. It also influences how people experience and act in society

When leaders such as TenHaken, who is an outspoken self-proclaimed Christian, attempt to misdirect their constituents -or in this case other civic leaders – away from the blatant wickedness that continues to grow throughout every aspect of our society, we must not only push back with extreme prejudice, but also try to make sense of the WHY of it.

And I’m going to disagree with Mayor Paul, quite vigorously, in stating that I want our elected officials to engage in ALL of the culture wars. Let’s get it all out in the open, so we can fight properly. At this point, our political leaders can be one of two things:




I’m Team Bethany all day every day.


For the Awakened (former Normies), living in Clownworld, with the scales completely removed from our eyes, can sometimes be overwhelming. Just when we think we’ve achieved major and lasting victories, as we did this past Nov 5, some seemingly new evil arises to invade our serenity. But of course, by the time we become aware of it by being exposed to the data and real life human stories, we realize that – like cancer – the tumor has been growing for a long time.

The successful sexualization of children in our modern world is undeniable. But when did it start?

One data point from 1997 that you may remember gives us a clue. The 100 year old clothing brand Abercrombie & Fitch caused a stir when their quarterly magazine featured “nude and nearly nude young models”. What were the repercussions for this very public display of pedo porn by a large American corporation? They got richer.


An advertisement from a clothing brand. Notice what’s missing?

Sure, many decent parents were outraged, vowing to never buy from that company. I know that my family never did. But in the malls of America A&F’s sales saw a “meteoric rise” throughout the 90’s under the leadership of CEO Mike Jeffries. Does he sound familiar? You may have seen his name in the news the past few weeks, as he was arrested along with his “partner” (gay) in what is described as “sex trafficking and exploitation of young men”. So, the guy who approved of – and probably spearheaded – the publication of pedo porn in a clothing magazine was not-so-secretly really really invested in leveraging his influence as head of an enormous fashion company into procuring lots of sex with lots of very young men.

And then there are all of the Jeffrey Epstein stories involving sexploitation of the VERY young; most of which have been covered up by powerful people in our own government. Prepare to have your mind blown here >>>

The Martyr Made Substack
Epstein, The Full Series (pts. 1-3)
Thought I’d go ahead and stick these together for anyone who wanted to listen to them all at once…

And then there is the explosion of stories around mega-star rapper Puff Daddy/Diddy/Sean Combs that have been oozing out the past few months involving absolutely depraved debauchery with adults and children alike. This week we learned that fellow East Coast 90’s rapper & husband of Queen B Beyonce Jay Z has been accused of joining Diddy in the raping of a 13 year old.

Just another day in America.

In God’s providence, He has seen fit to reveal some of the wickedness that has infected the most wealthy, successful and powerful people of our nation over the past 30 years. I suspect that what we have been shown thus far is merely the tip of the iceberg. If Elon is successful next year with his promise to release the Epstein files, we may well be stunned by the sheer volume of bad actors that have been operating in plain sight in our culture for decades. You may never want to watch Forrest Gump again.

It is against this backdrop of massive infection of the practice of pedophelia that the Sioux Falls mayor chose to tell all who would listen to disengage from “culture war” issues. One wonders: Is he willfully ignorant, or is he sympathetic to those that seek to sexualize our children?

Many social observers have speculated that the next frontier for the LGBTQIA+ movement is the normalization of pederasty. After all, what exactly does the “+” stand for anyway?

a rainbow Culture Warrior


Speaking of news stories, have you noticed how many stories there are of teacher-on-student sexploitation these days? In SD alone, there was just this week news of two different “educators” who were attempting to fulfill their desires with children under their care.

40 years ago, we never heard these stories. 40 years ago no one in the world would have allowed the promotion of homosexual deviant behavior in schools, nor the promotion of ANY sexual material towards children.

Further, no publisher would have even considered printing the type of books that currently infect our public schools.


So, it is fitting & proper to wonder about the motivation of a man like Mayor Paul, in these times of unavoidable Culture Wars. Understanding his reasoning will help us defeat it.

Friends & fellow Patriots Amy Bruner & Dan Goeller are earnest & faithful community activists in Sioux Falls who, like myself, have tried & failed to gain an audience with His Royal Highness St. Paul, many times. Three common denominators that we all share are thus:

1. We are conservative Christians

2. We are not powerful
3. Working with us brings no clear benefit to Paul’s political ambitions.

Mayor Paul is always up & ready to hold forth from a lectern or on an elevated dias (preferably with a soft luminous glow strategically placed above his head) pontificating in front of a crowd of adoring peasants.

Most of us can only imagine the endorphin rush that comes with this level of adulation.

It’s the polar opposite of what he was assaulted with at the SF City Council meeting this past Tuesday, as angry mom after angry dad proceeded to read the disgusting pedo porn straight into his gigachad face sitting a mere 10 feet away. You can tell in the video that Paul was definitely having a Bad Day. No endorphin rush.

Some say Paul is just a Ken doll, eager to slide into the driver’s side of Barbie’s pink corvette in Pierre in two years. Or Dusty’s Congressional seat, others say.

The most generous that I can be with him, in his irresponsible & gross mishandling of this issue, is that Paul serves a higher master. One that demands a covenant of RINOism. As I covered before, RINOs are 100% focused on E.D. (economic development) issues, and like Dracula to daylight, they are taught to viscerally cringe from culture war issues that, in their deluded worldview, have no place in “politics”. Of course, this attitude only seems to apply to traditionally conservative views such as the not-very-radical “please don’t sexualize our children”. For the pro-queer & woke agendas Mayor Paul only has open arms & an open door policy.

Additionally, like many modern Christians Paul TenHaken has been catechized in a Lovebunny church that adheres to the Affirmation religion. The gist of this sect is that Jesus is a good-natured hippie, & the God of the Old Testament was just having a 4,000 year-long bad day, which he finally got over on the first Christmas.

I for one am actually glad that Paul fired this shot at Rep Soye, & the Patriot movement. Too long has this issue gone unnoticed by the vast majority of South Dakota parents. Too long have we been losing large strongholds in the Culture War. Paul, and the vast RINO army of professional politicians, are clearly missing the “Vibe Shift” that is moving like a tsunami across our world. It’s real folks.

And I believe that our Culture War, while not new, is only just beginning.

Shout out to Amy Bruner & all of the Moms For Liberty Joyful Warriors who have been tirelessly fighting this particular war for the past several years.

<click here»> M4L facebook page

And also Dan Goeller, who has been exposing the Woke & Marxist infiltration in our community through his YT channel <click here>>>> Leninists on the Prairie

Another shoutout to SD’s bravest Culture Warrior legislator, Rep. Bethany Soye, who continues to fight for the protection of our most innocent & vulnerable little Patriots. Here are a couple of my favorite lines from her recent article published on the Rushmore Republican:

“I ask the Mayor and you the public: what is the point of having a city full of gleaming new public facilities if our children’s innocence is stolen and our families are falling apart?”


“Strong families and healthy, confident children provide a city with the greatest ROI possible. It’s time for the people to remind the Mayor that social issues are worth fighting for. What truly divides and angers people is telling them that their concerns don’t matter and that they should simply be happy with efficient traffic flow.”

Beautifully said.

One final message to Paul, and all of the other pauls out there who pretend to represent the conservatives in America:

When it comes to the Culture War, you have 3 choices: Lead, Follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY.

Misappropriation of our tax dollars, eminent domain for private gain, corruption, crony capitalism & other sins of RINOism are bad enough, but when you fail to protect the kids from the depravity of Pedo Culture, we will spit you outta our mouths.

“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”