To most South Dakotans- I daresay well over 95% of us – the very idea of an adult writing a book that focuses on detailing various sexual acts involving children of all ages is preposterous and unthinkable.
Some of our leaders, such as the confounding mayor of Sioux Falls Paul TenHaken, would prefer to keep their head in the sand pretending IT’S NOT HAPPENING!
In fact, the IT’S NOT HAPPENING stance has become an effective tool of the Marxists as they systematically wage their war against Christianity in their decades long “March through the institutions”. To anyone paying attention, the cultural Marxists have achieved massive gains in their coordinated campaign to fundamentally change the culture, laws and mores of the entire American system. A couple of very good books on this topic that I can recommend are:

The IT’S NOT HAPPENING cycle basically works like this: Some Conservative Normie somewhere starts Noticing that there has been a serious shift in the national narrative, usually in the form of a government-run or subsidized organization such as a school system, or other bureaucratic agency. Gay Pride flags inundating elementary school classrooms, for example.
Other times it shows up in massive public displays and/or social media trends that purport to be organic, but common sense reveals to be controlled & coordinated.
The Antifa riots of 2016-2020 and the George Floyd riots of 2020 are prime examples.
The Covid mania of 2020-2023 was the final straw that broke our backs under the weight of hypocrisy, blatant lies, coordinated information warfare, and destruction of liberty.
At the onset of the cycle, conservatives began noticing which leads to public outcries, usually on social media platforms and podcasts. The response from some of the bad actors is always outright denial coupled with some sort of slur hurled at the general public who have joined in the noticing: “THIS IS NOT HAPPENING AND YOU ARE A KOOK FOR SAYING SO!”. This routine will go on for awhile as more and more people document the real-world cases of these outrages definitely happening to them first hand, until such a time that the Marxists have achieved a complete takeover the institutions, leading to the normalization of attitudes and lifestyles that up until that point in human history would have been universally held as abhorrent and deviant behavior. Once the movement has reached terminal velocity, and cannot possibly be reversed, then the mantra becomes “OF COURSE THIS IS HAPPENING AND IT’S A GOOD THING THAT MUST BE CELEBRATED OR YOU WILL BE SHUNNED FROM SOCIETY!”.
The Youth Trans issue has produced some “IT’S NOT HAPPENING” moments also. Anyone who tries to make the case against the removal of a child’s genitals or sexual organs can expect to get gaslighted with the “THAT NEVER HAPPENS” claim from a Trans promoter. But there is overwhelming evidence of these life-altering surgeries – many of them causing permanent damage to the endocrine system- happening all over the United States inside of so-called “Children’s hospitals” See here>>>
So which is it? Does it never happen, or is it ramping up? In the above article, it appears that there were close to 14,000 surgeries performed under the guise of “gender dysphoria”. That’s a pretty big number to deny, it would seem. Oddly, these type of statistics are hard to find exact numbers on. If,as the Trans Fans are so fond of claiming, gender dysphoria surgeries are “extremely rare”, then why don’t they provide actual numbers? It is undeniable that, whatever the actual numbers are, they are certainly on the rise. The Trans business is what they call a “growth market”.
The highest politician in America, our fearless leader these past four years, is the octogenarian Joe Biden. Where does he stand on this very contentious issue? It’s hard to know, since his public comments have been confusing, which is actually on-brand for good-ol Joe.. Here’s a recent quote from Biden’s “Domestic Policy Advisor” that was meant to clear things up for everybody:
Earlier this month, Neera Tanden, domestic policy adviser to President Biden, emailed concerned groups with the White House’s updated current policy.
“We continue to fight state and national bans of gender affirming care, which represents a continuum of care, and respect the role of parents, families, and doctors – not politicians – in these decisions,” Tanden wrote in the email, obtained by the Guardian. “Gender-affirming surgeries are typically reserved for adults, and we believe they should be. Above all, families should have the freedom to make the medical decisions that they and their doctors determine are best for them – which is why we oppose attempts to limit healthcare for transgender individuals in the courts or through legislation.”
The operative weasel word in this statement is “typically”, which leaves a huge loophole for untold numbers of kids to have their very essence surgically removed from them by their parents and doctors for the 100% sole reason of ….feelings.
Right now at this very moment, we are in the the next step of the “IT’S NOT HAPPENING” Transing of America into the strategically navigated reality of “IT’S HAPPENING AND IT’S GOOD!”.
To get back to my main thesis here, we are seeing the same playbook being run on us through what many call the “Sexualization of the youth”, to which the Trans movement is obviously tied. This war on children has been raging for decades now, but many parents are just now waking up to it. The one group who has taken the War to the enemy in this particular field is
M4L started in January of 2021 as an explicitly apolitical group of parents who wanted to engage in the following mission:
“Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.”
Doesn’t sound very radical to me. However, the Left has responded to this parental group with absolutely zero power as if they were marching down Main street in Nazi uniforms in complete control of the military. In fact, the SPLC has gone so far as to formally label M4L as a “Hate Group” in their typical histrionic fashion. Their crime? Noticing and drawing attention to the explicit efforts to sexualize the youth of America through the proliferation of what can accurately be described as “Pedo Porn” in our publically-funded school and other public library systems. Examples of these books are numerous, and I’d be glad to provide a list to anyone interested. Please leave a comment below if you are curious.
Can you think of any other way to describe books that are written specifically for youth, that detail sexual acts of all sorts – even the disgusting acts that most decent folks have never even heard of, such as “ATM” (don’t search it online) ?
I’ve made the argument that 30 years ago no publisher would have dared publish garbage like this. The author would have been considered sick and twisted, a pedophile. The subject matter alone – children of all ages performing sexual acts on each other – has been universally viewed with fear and loathing throughout human history, and rightfully so.
But like the Trans movement, pedo porn books are in the transition from “IT’S NOT HAPPENING” to the “IT’S HAPPENING AND IT’S GOOD! IN FACT IF YOU TRY TO STOP IT YOU ARE A FASCIST!!!!”
A prime example of this tactic comes in the form of a South Dakota writer and publisher by the name of doug murano.

Doug will fight you to the death, or at least type some pretty tough sounding words on his laptop, in defense of perverts & children’s rights to access pedo porn books in every public library in America.
I had the pleasure of engaging with doug just yesterday on X, in what many people wiser than myself would describe as a pointless exercise. For myself, I have to admit to not being above getting into vicious twitter fights with people that I deem my ideological enemy, regardless of the probability of achieving any redeemable outcomes. Sure, it seems like a waste of time, and it’s upsetting to both parties involved, but people like doug need to know that he has real life opponents that will go to the matt to remove these abhorrent books from our libraries. Not just the Mom’s for Liberty Happy Warriors, who I am a big fan of. Normies too have a problem with these books. Don’t believe me? Just ask around. What’s puzzling to normal people isn’t the fact that most SD parents are resolutely opposed to having our tax dollars go towards these books in our libraries, targeting the kids. What’s really difficult to comprehend are the people who publicly advocate for these pedo porn books.
Yes, there are people in South Dakota who will fight you over this topic, people who will call you a FASCIST! for objecting to our tax dollars being spent to purchase these wicked books.
People like doug murano.
I tried to get to the bottom of his motivations yesterday, but the situation quickly devolved into him insulting my intelligence and then attacking my business.

It would be SUPER COOL if I could get 100 positive Yelp reviews to counter this!

Now to be fair, I did refer to him as a “pedo fanboy”, which he seemed to take great offense at for some reason. I mean, he has made no secret of where he stands on these books. He’s a BIG FAN! What I should have said, for accuracy, is that doug is a “pedo porn book fanboy”, due to his very public vicious attacks on anyone bold enough to confront him in X about his defense of the indefensible.
Our Patriot friend Chad Bishop has also had some poignant exchanges with the “Bram Stoker Award winning” author of horror books>>>

Doug is apparently an accomplished writer in the Horror genre. I would speculate that spending so much time and mental focus on writing stories designed to bring the reader into the darkest depths of their fears could potentially have some profound distorting effects on the soul of the author himself. As Nietzsche wrote “and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you”.
Now, to be ABOSLUTELY CLEAR, I am making no insinuation or accusation of any crimes that may have been committed by doug murano. For all I know, he is a loving husband and father who would never in a million years touch a child inappropriately, or seek to produce or acquire child pornography in any way.
What is inescapable, however, is that doug is a very public proponent of sexually explicit books that target minor children, while waging zealous war on anyone who dares object to them. He not only does NOT have a problem with these books being in the “Youth” section of public libraries, he wants more of them! And if you don’t like that, he’ll do what he can to damage your livelihood, like the cowardly keyboard warrior he so obviously yearns to be.
If anyone reading this cares to provide any insight into this Luciferian and malevolent person named doug, please feel free to leave it in the comments.
And, I would encourage everyone to say hi to doug on his X account @bad_hand_editor and let him know what you think about these books in our libraries
Meanwhile, we look to our friends at Moms for Liberty, and legislators like Bethany Soye, to continue to fight these battles on our behalf. They are the Good Guys in our story. Let us support them financially, and keep them in our prayers.
Lord knows we can’t count on people like Mayor Paul TenHaken to pull their head out of the sand and join in the Culture Wars.
It’s up to us.