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One of the biggest keys to understanding the 2020 election was uncovering the nature of the federalized, centralized, internet connected election night reporting and voter roll maintenance software. Our friend Stu Cvrk labeled it “The Spider in the Web”. We have written extensively on Bpro, and you can find several articles written, researched and investigated by citizens from across the country HERE. Dozens of podcasts and TV shows dedicated to the discovery of the role Bpro Total Vote played in the 2020 election can be found HERE. If you are not familiar or need a refresher, start by reading the detailed history of the shady origins of Bpro and it’s expansion across the country here.
After the above article written and researched by Erin Clements and Jessica Pollema went live on the Gateway Pundit and in September 2023; each household received an IRS letter in December of 2023 demanding income tax that wasn’t owed within two weeks of each other. The Pollema’s IRS letter demanded $350K in tax!! Think we are over the target?? Just another day in Biden’s weaponized America.
Per contracts and documentation we have obtained from various states, the Pierre Bpro office and all subject matter experts and programmers were to be retained by Knowink, after Knowink purchased Bpro in December of 2020. Since then, the office in Pierre has still displayed the Bpro sign and all employees were retained, supposedly providing service to up to 36 states. (per the most recent data on
As we drove by the Bpro office Monday as we traveled to Pierre, this is what we saw:

From the real estate listing:

Quite modest accommodations for programmers and support staff who were supposedly maintaining complicated cloud hosted election systems and voter rolls for at least 15 states.
(At the time the article was published, listed 15 states that used the election night reporting and voter roll maintenance system)
In October of 2024, our friend and fellow researcher Erin Clements of New Mexico was writing another article on Bpro/Knowink, and found the website was stripped down to a virtual placeholder.
Using the Wayback Machine, it appears the Knowink website had all of it’s content as of September 9, 2024, but by September 22nd, the website had been reduced to one page with only a contact page linking to an email intake form. No phone number, no address, no nothing. No products, no map of the United States, no bragging about their real time data monitoring software, or being the largest vendor of e-poll books in the U.S.

Is the Knowink website a shell because they’ve been purchased by another corporation, such as ES&S or Dominion? Are they going out of business? Is this the Trump effect?
Something serious is going on.
Where did our $4.5 million dollars Monae Johnson spent on “upgrades” go?????
In Johnson’s re-election announcement, she claims to have “modernized the voter registration system” but to date, nothing has changed.
Researchers in New Mexico have already found a Bpro GIS mapping subcontractor living in Kiev, Ukraine. The revelations that Dominion has employees in Serbia, who had real time access to election data and did, in fact, change results, leads us to believe it’s more than likely Bpro/Knowink has foreign nationals managing, programming and accessing the election software and data in more than New Mexico. This is a violation of national security and puts our critical infrastructure at serious risk.
So if the Bpro office is vacant in Pierre, who is working on the South Dakota Total Vote System? We tried to call but they have no publicly available contact information. In fact, the Minnehaha County Auditor has no contact information for Bpro/Knowink. Only our less than transparent SOS office is allowed to contact Bpro. When we tried to call the SOS today, no one answered the phone.
Listen to this clip from the July 18, 2023 Legislative Rules Review Committee Hearing when Rep. Jon Hansen (newly elected Speaker of the House) questions the bumbling Deputy SOS Tom Diedrick about Bpro file security.
Tom Diedrick says the SOS office and the Board of Elections doesn’t have anyone that knows anything about cybersecurity.
BIT said they had file security suggestion that needed to be incorporated, but we have not seen any changes presented at the BOE meetings.
[ Now might be a good time to remind everyone that Senator Jim Mehlhaff says he will not appoint Election and Computer Expert Rick Weible to the Board of Elections because “he has too much of an agenda”. What a joke! Ask any legislator that just got elected why they ran for office. We guarantee you they have an agenda! Sen. Mehlhaff has also teamed up with Sen. Amber Hulse to bring Monae Johnson’s garbage bills which will further put our state elections at risk. Ask your representatives to NOT support SB48 and SB73. ]
During this same rules review hearing, Rep. DeGroot asked who wrote the rules.
And this is where the truth came out.
BPro and ES&S wrote the rules.
Don’t worry though, Johnson hired a “cybersecurity analyst” who is more of a DEI hire with a psychology degree than a competent protector of our internet connected election apparatus.

Cyber Implications for Elections (that aren’t online)
At the end of the Rules Review hearing on the Board of Elections proposed rule package, Rep. Jon Hansen makes some profound remarks.
Saving the best for last here, the newly elected Speaker of the House Rep. Jon Hansen relays his concerns with having a private corporation, with unknown ownership, having total control over our centralized election process, while simultaneously having NO ONE overseeing them with any qualifications needed to protect our elections.
We agree!! Wouldn’t it be great if there were a bill brought forth this year requiring the statewide voter file and election night reporting system to be designed and maintained by the state, hosted on state servers, not the cloud?
No more Bpro/Knowink.
No more private corporations shrouded in secrecy with full access to all our data.
No more faulty and unreliable cloud hosting.
No more statewide voter file crashes in the middle of an election.
No more connections to FirstNet.
No more hackable e-poll pads and e-pulse systems.
No more unexplained changes in the data.
No more spider in the web.
No more.
Stay tuned. Help is on the way. A bill will be dropping soon, and when it does we will let you all know.
South Dakota has a huge opportunity to fix this mess. Now, with our very respected Speaker of the House in agreement that these out of state corporations should not be blindly trusted, it’s time to bring our election data back under state control.
Below is a list of a few pertinent articles on Bpro/Knowink for your reference.

South Dakota’s Centralized Election System