Help Protect SD Residency – support HB1066 – email now! By: South Dakota Canvassing Group

Representative Tony Kayser and Senator John Carley’s bill HB1066, An Act to revise residency requirements for the purposes of voter registration, was heard in the House State Affairs Committee yesterday at 7:45 am.

You can listen to the hearing by clicking on the audio button on the right side here:

You will notice, We the People as proponents of the bill, and lobbyist Justin Smith, SDACO, Lindley Howard, and Dakota Post owner were the opponents of this bill.

If you have followed us for a while, you understand that residency is a major problem in our elections in South Dakota. Our long journey of uncovering the issues, raising public awareness, and fighting at every level of government for enforcement of the law, and protections of the vote of bona fide residents of the state, has been a grueling one.

The potential for voter fraud has been a concern of the legislature for many years, as was pointed out in this 2019 article Thousands of South Dakota voters don’t live where they register”.

Ainslie said he is shocked that state officials have been unwilling to address the flaws in the voter registration system. “It’s unbelievable to me if we allow that to occur,” he said.

State lawmakers considered a bill to tighten voter registration laws this session, but despite some concerns over potential election fraud, the measure died in its first committee.

Speaker of the House Hansen stated in committee that he has concerns, that we want only South Dakotan’s voting in our elections, and that this must be addressed this year.

Enough kicking the ball down the road.

The time to act is now.

HB1066 passed the House State Affairs Committee with a 7-6 vote. Rep. Kayser and Sen. Carley are working to address the concerns brought in committee but are determined to pass a bill that will address the key issues.


If you want to ensure only South Dakotan’s are voting in South Dakota elections, please email all the members of the house to vote YES on HB1066 when it heads to the house floor, likely tomorrow.

Here is a list of the email addresses for all the members of the House:

Please email the House TODAY and ask them to vote in favor of HB1066!

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SOS Monae Johnson’s residency bills are SB 48 and SB 73, that contain very dangerous wording that we do NOT support. Please also consider emailing the Senate State Affairs Committee to vote NO on SB 48 and SB 73.

Those emails need to be sent today, as the hearing is tomorrow at 10:00AM.

Email: [email protected]

modify provisions pertaining to the registration of voters.

Do NOT pass. This bill has many issues in Section 2 specifically needs revision as they are trying to add a county courthouse of general delivery address at a post office as a place of residence. Section 5, proves that the SOS office currently has no way of checking citizenship status, includes a “grandfather clause” for unverified voters, and section 6 is an inversion of NVRA federal only ballot…this bill is a trainwreck.

SB73 –

amend the definition of principal residence with regard to driver licenses to conform to voter registration requirements.

Do NOT Pass. Section 2 specifically needs revision as they are trying to add a county courthouse of general delivery address at a post office as a place of residence.

SB75 –

require an indication of United States citizenship status on a motor vehicle operator’s license or permit.

Via SD Canvassing …. Do PASS IF AMMENDED to include the details on how the driver’s license will indicate citizenship. How will someone looking at the driver’s license know the citizenship of that person. This needs to be clear.

It’s time to be a

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