MAGA RINOs – All aboard the Trump Train! By: Chris J. Larson

“It’s Morning in America!” – Normal people

“It’s mourning in America!!!” – The Left

Jan 20 2025 will not soon be forgotten, by anyone.

We are officially in The Days of Thunder. The Golden Age. It’s starting to look like we actually can Make America Great Again.

After only 1 day, Trump47 has made Trump45 look like a man who’s had an “Emmaus Road” Saul/Paul level conversion. Trump the man has obviously grown into the role, what with the enormous amount of trials and tribulations he had to overcome to win victory. A case can be made that no man in history has faced down such a powerful Leviathan that is the Deep State of America, including 2 assassination attempts.

But while it is clear that Trump the man has matured (surprisingly!) into a statesman of authentic gravitas, clearly, what is most striking is that the zeitgeist of America has completely flipped in a matter of two months. It’s Happening! The long dark nightmare that the majority of the citizens of our country have suffered under is finally over. I cannot speak for the demented Left, who surely must be feeling unmoored from their RPG (Role Playing Game) that we all were forced to participate in, wherein they gaslighted us in a massive propaganda campaign for years, which culminated in a Mass Psychosis Event wherein the President of the United States cheered on the obliteration of the foundational understanding of gender shared by all of mankind throughout all of history. But I can speak for the rest of us normal people who are breathing the fresh air of truth for the first time in years.

For true Patriots, the lies that were relentlessly pummeled into our brains by the power of The State & Big Tech all seem to be disintegrating before our very eyes, as we bear witness to Trump47 waging an all-out assault on the NeoMarxists that have run wild in our society for so long.

But what about all these RINOs jumping on the Patriot wagon? Should we scootch over and make some room? We’ll get to that shortly.

Yes, some very big wrongs shall be righted, and for once it feels like, despite Biden’s last second blanket pre-crime pardons of great swaths of people who have yet to be charged with any crimes, some bad actors will be held accountable for their abuse of power. Lord willing, Anthony Fauci will be held to account for his massive death toll. A Reckoning is coming. I for one am failing to reign in my euphoric expectations that America is truly on a different path than we were just a few days ago.

It feels like a clear beautiful morning.

The reason for this is the Trump47 victory, obviously, but really it isn’t about just one man. It’s about us. This is OUR victory. The Patriots who fought back against the evils that were allied against us. We didn’t give up, we WOKE UP. We stopped doom-scrolling the daily death counts on KELO’s Facebook page, refused to wear masks and inject needles in our arms, boldly voiced our opinion that the 2020 elections were untrustworthy and that we do not believe Biden received more votes that Trump, joined like-minded groups, paid close attention to our local political happenings, and started calling ourselves Patriots for the first time in our lives. We weren’t afraid to say that we love America, but hate our government. Together, we found the courage to publicly state that we absolutely do not trust anything our government says or does.

The Patriot/Populist movement in our era can be traced to a very specific timeframe: the beginning of Covid. March 2020 was effectively the end of the first Trump presidency, as his entire agenda was replaced by what has finally been admitted to be a man-made global pandemic. This period saw the fastest growth of the power of governments – the State – to surveil, propagandize, censor, brainwash, medically inject, punish, sow hatred, imprison, demoralize and control us that the human race has ever experienced.

It’s no mystery why so many of us felt that the world we grew up in – the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s – was SO OVER.

But on November 5 2024 we discovered that, against all odds, we are SO BACK.

America is back to being the greatest country on earth, providing the greatest opportunity for all law-abiding peoples to make a life for themselves without the heavy hand of Big Brother/Big Momma.

Everything feels different now. And no, this isn’t hero worship, or the mass indoctrination by a charismatic cult leader. This feeling of optimism is akin to what one feels upon a return to health after fighting a lengthy illness. When you’re in the midst of a debilitating sickness, it becomes your reality that this state of affairs will never end. But then it does end, and you can’t believe how wonderful it feels to feel normal again.

I guarantee that most readers will know exactly what I’m describing here, because they feel the same way after the glory of the Inauguration, which included a surreal amount of Executive Orders that are aimed directly at the foundations holding up ClownWorld: Woke, Gender Confusion, Government Censorship, Border Invasion, Hyper Inflation, NeoMarxism, Water Faucet Restriction (!!), Political Opponent Imprisonment.

But I wrote this piece because I’m really wondering how all the RINOs feel today. Are they excited too? Or are they making calculated adjustments to their public posturing? No more Orange Man Bad? In case you haven’t noticed, some high profile RINO’s began transitioning into “Patriots” on November 6 2024. Notably, Rep Dusty Johnson quickly became a very vocal cheerleader of the brand new anti-Deep State weapon called DOGE – Department Of Government Efficiency, along with becoming an overnight MAGA fan. Even though a search of the internet proves that Dusty somehow forgot to endorse Trump for president. Oops! Let’s not forget when Dusty took to social media in 2021 to tell us how “angry” he was about those “Un American” Jan 6 protestors, or that he has a Liberty score of “F” from Conservative Review, or that he is currently sitting on over $5 million in campaign donations.

Welcome aboard the Trump Train Dusty! I guess I’ll just never understand politics. I’m such a big dummy, I figured that SD’s lone representative to DC, who claims to be a Republican, would think it prudent for his career ambitions to support the guy running in his own party. Do you imagine that Dusty, & whoever is advising/running him thought throughout all of 2024 that Trump would actually WIN? And not just squeak by, but win the popular vote too!?!

No, Dusty the Frontrunner must have been told that there was no way Trump could win. I mean, even Trump’s fans feared that he’d be killed before being allowed to take office. Dusty, being a savvy politician (aka a snake), is counting on the fact that the majority of SD voters are still hibernating in NormieLand, therefore won’t notice his sudden pivot to LARPing as a MAGA Patriot.

As surely as Nancy Pelosi is a lizard person, Dusty is 100% positioning himself – and his backers – up to become our next governor. I need your help to prevent this.

Raise your hand if you want Dusty as our next governor.


See, no hands.

Of course, many high profile powerful people are finding it to their advantage to genuflect to our new president and the MAGA movement. At the inauguration was none other than the leaders of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google, TikTok and X, to name just a few. Just a couple weeks ago, Zuckerberg made a public statement admitting that his company – Facebook – had been working in conjunction with our government to censor information that they didn’t like for years, and repenting. This was an enormous admission and reversal, that Patriots could never have predicted 3 months ago.

Yes, the tide is turning.

Every day brings new Patriot victories, and with that will come the inevitable shift in the Overton window that till now we could only dream about. And yes, there will be many posers who will pretend they were with us all along.

They are certainly welcome to help Make America Great Again, in any way they can. We can fit a few weasels on the Trump Train, but they don’t get to drive.

But we won’t be developing amnesia, forgetting how our elected officials ignored our pleas for protection from mask and vaccine mandates (Dusty, Rounds & Thune), ignored our demands to fix the security holes in our election systems, failed to do anything to protect Trump from the obvious Lawfare and years long waste of time and money that was the Russia Collusion Hoax, failed to stop Democrats from abusing the impeachment mechanism, failed to do anything to stop the Ukraine/Russia war, failed failed failed to stop this country from sliding into a Marxist hellhole.

We can forgive, but we won’t be forgetting.