Coming Soon, concurrent resolution related to legal action against China over the Covid19 pandemic

Via Shad Olson & Rep Brandei Schaefbauer:

South Dakota lawmakers are considering a concurrent resolution that would direct Attorney Marty Jackley to pursue legal action against the nation of China and all other responsible parties for $100-billion in damages including death, injury, financial hardship, business loss and medical costs suffered as a result of the 2020 Cars-COV-2 gain of function viral release and the COVID-19 global pandemic.

The nations of India, Japan, and South Korea have already filed suit against China for the 2020 mRNA viral pandemic that killed millions globally, ground economic supply chains to a halt, shuttered businesses and threw the world into turmoil.

Last week, the U.S. 8th District Federal Court gave go ahead for The State of Missouri to file a similar action against China seeking $25-billion in damages and placing all Chinese property in Missouri under liquidation in the event of a judgment.

Aberdeen lawmaker Brandei Schaefbauer introduced South Dakota’s action last week, urging AG Marty Jackley to initiate, join or support any state or national litigation for COVID-19 damages and to establish a South Dakota COVID Victim’s Compensation Fund for disbursement of any damages awarded. That fund would provide up to $250,000 of compensation per person for damages inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic.