Pathological Liars with intent to deceive – By: South Dakota Canvassing Group

(1) Pathological Liars with intent to deceive

Many of us know or have encountered a pathological liar. Most likely, this person isn’t on your list of most trustworthy, upstanding, ethical or moral people in your life.

The most pathological liars we have ever come across seem to be in the government, or associated with government, lobbying groups, associations or NGO’s. And when those people have a position of authority, their pathological lying is easily accepted as truth by the unsuspecting masses.

The Secretary of State’s Office seems to have a problem conveying the truth, as demonstrated in several recent election bill hearings. But yesterday’s propaganda filled testimony of Deputy Election Director, Rachel Soulek, was so appalling, we felt we must call it out.

SB104 was presented to the Joint Appropriations Committee yesterday, after being referred by the Senate Local Government Committee with an 6-0 Do Pass recommendation on February 5th. You can listen to the hearing HERE.

SB104 is An Act to provide for the publication of the cast vote record of automatic tabulating equipment and to make an appropriation therefor. The bill requires funding in order to provide the Election Management System laptops to the counties so they can decrypt and view their CVR’s and ballot images, as is required for auditing electronic elections. This is why it was sent to appropriations.

Senator Pischke introduced his bill, and then Rick Weible, Leah Anderson, Jessica Pollema and Gary Meyer gave proponent testimony. Opponent testimony was provided by Hughes County Finance Officer Thomas Oliva, and Deputy Election Director Rachel Soulek. You can listen to the testimony HERE. Testimony starts at about 1:45:00.

Thomas Oliva gave his concerns that if there was only one voter in a precinct, that the CVR would identify how that person voted. Well, the voter rolls and voter history are publicly available, and the precinct results are posted online. This is a false talking point, because if there is one voter in a precinct, their vote could be identified in numerous other ways. Also, Thomas doesn’t have the EMS system, and has never accessed, seen, been trained on or used the CVR’s, ballot images, or audit logs.

Then came Rachel Soulek. Put your muck boots on, the bullcrap we will wade through is deep.

Rachel starts off her testimony with “Transparency is crucial”, but then immediately states how providing the auditors with the other half of their election equipment is a waste of money.

Soulek then says this about the use of HAVA funds: “As you heard the other day during our budget hearing, our HAVA dollars, they help keep the lights on in our office. It helps pay for staff salaries….” The HAVA requests filed with the EAC by South Dakota do not list staff salaries and electric bills. Those funds are to be used for what they were designated for, such as post election audits and security. Is that a HAVA violation?

Rachel Soulek: “Our office has also been a very good steward of using HAVA money and over the last five years our office has earned interest of almost $500,000 on our HAVA dollars…”

It would appear the SOS has stashed a lot of HAVA funds if they were able to earn $500,000 in interest, yet claim they cannot fund the laptops. Ironically, that is the dollar amount requested for funding the EMS laptops in SB104.

Soulek then proceeds to claim CVR’s and ballot images will identify a voter.

Here is ES&S Vice President of Security Chris Wlaschin’s comments to SOS Johnson’s delegation to Omaha, NE headquarters. Rachel Soulek was in attendance at this meeting.

Claiming CVR’s identify a voter is a blatant lie stated by Soulek, who knows the truth.

She then goes on to claim the post-election audits attributed discrepancies to human error, and admits machines cannot determine voter intent.

12-20-8. Precinct superintendent and precinct deputies to record intention of voter.

The precinct superintendent and precinct deputies, in counting the votes, shall endeavor to record the intention of the voter. The precinct superintendent and precinct deputies shall then hold the intention of the voter to be to vote for the candidate or candidates before whose name the voter has placed a mark.

The stupidest thing about the post-election audits was the auditors instructing the post election audit board to “think like a machine.” Minnehaha County Auditor, Leah Anderson, instructed her post-election audit board to endeavor to determine voter intent, and Election Coordinator Mike Mathis testified in Senate Local Government that all discrepancies were attributed to voter intent – NOT HUMAN ERROR. How do they know this? Because Leah Anderson kept the ballot image SAVE option on, and used the ballot images to find the differences. Amazing what a little auditing will find.

The auditors and SOS claiming the discrepancies are due to human error are lying through their teeth. None of them have the equipment, software, auditing tools, knowledge, qualifications, or evidence to back up their claims.

In races that are separated by 10 votes, or 7 votes, properly determined voter intent could make all the difference. Unfortunately, recounts in our state are done by a MACHINE.

Soulek goes on to identify the McPherson County 100% audit as error free, yet fails to mention the Minnehaha County 100% post election audit as finding differences of 1-4 votes in each precinct due to voter intent. The citizens in McPherson County have a quite different story of what happened in that audit.

A Tale of Two Audits

A Tale of Two Audits

Time to put your waders on. The muck is now waist high.

All you uneducated, stupid voters out there shouldn’t have access to CVR’s because you are too dumb to understand.


“There is also potential for misinterpretation. Understanding the ballot images and CVRs and links between them require an in-depth knowledge of election data and processes, and this can reduce the usefulness of this data to the public and creates the potential for misinterpretation. There are historical instances of data being misrepresented to fuel unfounded accusations of election misconduct by election officials.”

Yes, those poor upstanding crooks in Michigan really got a bad wrap. Surely the Serbian nationals accessing their systems live on election night had all good intentions, right? The citizen investigators Patrick Colbeck, Patrick Byrne, Atty Stepanie Lambert, and Sheriff Dar Leaf all put their lives on the line to perpetuate “unfounded accusations” and “misinformation”.

Is Soulek possibly referring to those pesky Data Nerds in Georgia, or maybe the experts in Texas, or those morons in Colorado that exposed the whole election heist in 2020? Yeah, how dare they misconstrue the data manipulated INSIDE THE SYSTEMS.

Soulek’s next misstatement goes like this: “our office did bring a bill. Our bill last year would have allowed the counties who were already purchasing the ElectionWare software produce CVR in ballot images, but there were security provisions built in when releasing that information. That’s not in this bill.”

HERE is the link to the bill. Where exactly are the security provisions? Don’t look too hard, there aren’t any.

The technical accumen of Rachel Soulek, who said repeatedly that she’s been with the SOS office since 2015 and they’ve never turned the ballot image capture SAVE option on, surely must be trusted expert testimony.

Remember, ES&S said this:

From the ES&S Task Force Meeting transcript:

MR. OMEL: “The setting, the default setting is to capture images. We have to go through extra effort to turn it off.”


“Individuals with an agenda could selectively highlight anomalies and inconsistencies whether real or perceived to cast doubt on election integrity. And there is a risk of deep fakes and digital alterations. Digital ballots can be altered to create the illusion of fraudulent ballots or tampered elections, and this could be used to spread misinformation. And without the proper safeguards, someone could generate fake CVRs that falsely suggest fraudulent voting patterns. And these are all legitimate concerns that other states are having to deal with who are currently releasing CVRs in the ballot images.”

Let’s back it up now. Remember, we started at CVR’s don’t exist. Then it was they exist but we don’t have them. Then it was we have them but you can’t have them. Then it was they are proprietary information containing trade secrets. Then it was they identify a voter. And now we are told they are subject to deep fake AI hacking and someone could create fake CVR’s?

There is someone creating fake CVR’s, but it isn’t the citizens. It’s happening on election day inside the machines.

A quick internet search returns this from Wikipedia:

Pathological lying involves a pervasive pattern of intentionally making false statements with the aim to deceive others. Pathological liars often lie excessively and frequently, and their lies can be outlandish and easily disproved. Recognizing a pathological liar involves looking for patterns of behavior, such as inconsistencies in stories, overly detailed narratives, evasion when confronted with questions, and a lack of guilt or remorse.

Inside all the lies, there is always a nugget of truth. And here it is:

“Individuals with an agenda could selectively highlight anomalies and inconsistencies, whether real or perceived, to cast doubt on election integrity.”

Individuals with an agenda.

Does Rachel mean those fearless individuals with an agenda to reclaim our sovereign, God-given right to elect our representatives in a fair, verifiable, transparent election? Individuals who have sacrificed time, talent, treasure, blood, sweat and tears….. four years of their lives, their reputations, and their family time to reclaim the power inherent in the People that has been sold out to a private corporation?

“could selectively highlight anomalies and inconsistencies, whether real or perceived….”

Representative Al Novstrup was listening and asks Soulek this:


Rachel Soulek: “one of the conferences that we attend is the National Association of Election Directors, so it’s called NASED. Hearing from my other colleagues and what they’ve gone through with litigation and having numerous complaints and issues arise, it’s from this, and then different data miners and people looking at this making false interpretations or changing the data to fit their narrative.

That must be terrible for the election officials to have to deal with citizens who have uncovered anomalies and unreconcilable data. Better to just hide it from them, right?

Rep Novstrup: “During your testimony, it almost sounded like you were opposed to exposing inconsistencies, and I would think exposing inconsistencies would be a wonderful thing.”

Rachel Soulek: “My thought on that was more inconsistencies that don’t have any validation to them, so they misconstrued information or manipulating that publicly available data to fit their own narrative.”

(Listen to the entire hearing for EPIC smackdowns by Rick and Leah, providing un-refutable truths to the committee.)

This testimony is so ridiculously desperate and unhinged that it’s almost impossible to understand how this person, working for the People of South Dakota, being paid with our tax dollars, could be so deliberately manipulative in front of a room full of Legislators. It’s almost unbelievable, until you go back and see who Rachel’s cohorts are.

A closer look reveals NASED corporate affiliates:

The top of the list is the Election Trust Initiative, which operates as a subsidiary of Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Charitable Trusts former Director, David Becker founded CEIR and ERIC.

We don’t have to go very far to find the corrupt, unconstitutional election stealing and censorship regime created by the weaponized CIS@/D#S/CiS and tangled web of the above listed corporations and NGO’s to understand the dark underbelly of corruption and fraud that Rachel Soulek has been indoctrinated into and consistently attempts to protect and defend with state sponsored propaganda, lies and gaslighting while labeling those of us seeking truth as “disinformation spreaders” and “data manipulators with an agenda.”

Wikipedia says:

Treatment for pathological lying can involve therapy to address underlying mental health conditions and help the individual recognize and change their behavior. However, the effectiveness of treatment can vary, and some experts advocate for pathological lying to be considered a distinct mental health disorder. Pathological lying is not a standalone diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), but it is recognized as a symptom of other disorders. Efforts are being made to establish diagnostic criteria for pathological lying based on research and assessment data. If you suspect someone is a pathological liar, it’s important to approach the situation with empathy but also with a firm resolve to seek clarity and support.

President Trump just put 17 DHS/CISA staffers on leave that WORKED WITH STATE ELECTION OFFICIALS.

As the truth continues to come out, and those government entities that have been weaponized against the people continue to be exposed, the indoctrinated allies of the deep state are going to face a reckoning with the truth.

The lies have been exposed, propaganda and gaslighting aren’t effectively deceiving the public anymore, and the TRUTH ALWAYS WINS.

Secretary Johnson, at some point, your office has to give up the charade.

Stop with the nonsense.

You and your staff have been exposed as pathological liars.


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