His appeal for ballot access in order to run against Rep. Dusty Johnson for Congress in the 2024 election was dismissed as being “moot” since the election is over. This comes after his request to expedite his case before the election took place was denied as well. He’s now heading to the Supreme Court!
When asked what he hopes to achieve, he said:
“It’s never been about overturning the election. It has been about the bad actors utilizing the system to subvert over 10k registered voters 1st amendment rights to petition their government and have a meaningful choice on the ballot. A real election not a selection.”
The SD GOP, under the leadership of Chairman John Wiik at the time, became a defendant against McNeal last summer along with the SOS. I reached out to the SD GOP’s newly elected chairman, Jim Eschenbaum, asking if he’ll remove the SD GOP involvement from this case. I haven’t gotten a reply yet but I am hopeful that the SD GOP will take a supportive or neutral position in this case.
If you’d like to catch up on McNeal’s story, you can find our interviews with him here:
More info on Justin here!
Previous Coverage:
Latest interview: https://rumble.com/v59qmfp-justin-mcneal-gives-an-update…
SIX previous cases similar to McNeal’s all had the judge rule in their favor…. yet not with his?!
– 47 Attorneys, when asked by McNeal to represent him, refused
– The same attorney who represented Susan Peterson (Butte County) when she failed to notarize her petitions and so was rejected by the SOS and also WON that case, is also the attorney working against McNeal on behalf of the SD GOP.
– Susan Peterson also had the same judge McNeal had…and this judge ruled in favor of Susan Peterson, yet ruled against McNeal?
– Since when does the SD GOP get involved in issues like this?
IMO- CORRUPTION to the core.
I want to offer a reminder though: God is in control of all of this. He is allowing this to happen and can just as easily upend the plans that the corrupt deep state has. It’s up to us to trust God in ALL situations. Have faith, especially when your faith is tested during times such as these, so that your faith will be proven as genuine and true. God placed McNeal here for a reason and no matter what happens, God will be glorified and I know He will do right by McNeal no matter the outcome because of how McNeal is proving to be a servant of the people, doing all of this and sacrificing all he is for the sake of us and our voice.
May God be glorified and Jesus be praised!