JAMMING – Understanding the forces at work designing and manipulating our Worldview. By: Chris J. Larson

DISCLAIMER: This post is going to upset some readers. I have struggled writing it, and debated even releasing it. The goal of this article is not to be controversial, but to encourage you to examine the WHY behind your major worldviews, to get you to think about the possible motive behind every story that is presented to you. It is my observation that most of us go through this modern digital age getting cooked in the crockpot of information that we now live in without really thinking about the worldview that is being offered, nor the possible effects it may have on our own worldview. Every tv series, movie, Youtube video, Short, TikTok, Facebook post, meme, news piece, and Substack article is telling you a story about how to think about the world around you. We can’t avoid being massaged by messaging.

The example that I use to illustrate this is the complete 180 that most Americans have taken in their perception of the issue of homosexuality. The overwhelming opinions of a 20 year old in 1985 are completely foreign- repulsive even– to the average 20 year old today. I will try to answer some of the WHY that caused such an enormous sea change on a global scale. My thesis is that it was a coordinated effort by a dedicated group of like-minded people who carefully crafted their messaging to achieve maximum persuasion of the entire human population, and that it is arguably the most successful campaign of its kind. So successful, in fact, that the gains made by the LGBTQIA+ brigade in the past 40 years have gone too far in the opinions of manyL’s, G’s & B’s who absolutely do not support the Trans ideology. In fact, many women who consider themselves lesbians are feeling that the “Trans community” is brainwashing other younger lesbians into thinking that they are actually males and need to “transition” through the use of hormones and surgery. It’s all so convoluted and perplexing to those of us who have resisted all of the propaganda of the past 40 years and still hold to our 1985 worldview on sexuality, but that is the world we currently occupy whether we like it or not.

It is important, I believe, to investigate why some of us have managed to hang onto the worldviews of our younger selves, and why a lot of us have chosen to go with the flow of modernity.

How did we reject the programming?

I do want to make clear what this article is NOT trying to do. I am not intending to shame anyone for whatever beliefs they hold, sins they have committed, or temptations they may be struggling with. As Paul said, I am “chief of sinners”; and would be headed to the fiery depths of damnation had not God decided to bless me with the gift of repentance, and His grace. In this fallen world, we all struggle with our own temptations, commit our own sins and will have to answer for every unrepented sin that we have ever committed. And so, please do not take my observations and personal convictions to be meant as moralizing or finger-wagging. Remember, I am striving to keep this focused on the effectiveness of messaging and propaganda in our current turbo-information age.

This Psalm was David’s plea for forgiveness after his colossal sin with Bathsheeba, and sets an example of the attitude that all believers should hold towards our own depravity, and need for mercy.

However, I do personally hold, as you will see, to my same beliefs about homosexuality that I did as a 15 year old back in 1985. I still believe it’s unnatural, a sin; and I still believe that marriage is meant for one man and one woman. But, as a more mature Christian man than I was in my youth, I have gained genuine sympathy for people who struggle with impulses and temptations that I myself do not have, because we all have our own cross to bear. I do not advocate for mistreating anyone who is same sex attracted, nor do I care to know what any other adult is up to in their private sexual life. It’s really none of my business.

However, back in 1985, we weren’t assaulted with sexual propaganda to the extent that we are today, and I can unequivocally say that was a better time to be alive, at least in the context of not needing to know what people’s private sexual lives were all about. In fact, the big sales pitch by the “gay rights movement” proponents involved them yelling at us to “Stay out of our bedrooms!”. Now we are forced to not only be non-judgmental about other people’s sexual kinks, we are being strongly encouraged to celebrate them as being on par with or even superior to what some still think of as “normal”. If we could ever get back to a world in which most of us supported the idea that sexual relations were ideally practiced between a husband and wife – exclusively & privately – the world would be a simpler place, in my humble opinion.

I know, shocking right? Just imagine.

Meanwhile, in this era, I encourage all Christians who, like me, still hold 1985 worldviews, to keep Jesus’ 2nd most important commandment sacrosanct: Love your neighbor as yourself. Of course, I don’t buy into the LoveBunny philosophy that “love” means total acceptance and affirmation. That’s not what love is.

You’ll take note that nowhere in the Bible does it say “Love means accept and celebrate every bit of nonsense that your fellow man decides to get up to, in whichever hedonistic age you happen to live in”.

Lastly, I DO NOT wish to engage in any debates with fellow believers about the modern “gay affirmation” movement within the Church. I’ve already read the arguments, and I am immovable. Heterosexual relations outside of marriage are also considered adultery, and are just as sinful as “abnormal” relations between adults, in my view. As such, I want to be clear that I do not hold any animus or ill will towards anyone who struggles with, or has embraced, same sex attraction.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, allow me to address the main point of this article, which is identifying & acknowledging the reality and effectiveness of mass marketing campaigns that continue to be waged against us by government actors, NGO’s, large businesses, “news” orgs, Hollyweird, political action committees (PACs) and various groups engaged in social engineering projects.

Do you know WHY you believe what you believe?

JAMMING: (from Grok)

In practice, propaganda jamming can take a few forms:
  • Overload: Flood media or public spaces with so much counter-content—ads, slogans, images—that the target message gets buried. Think endless pro-gay TV spots to drown out anti-gay preaching.
  • Distortion: Twist or mock the original message until it loses potency. Satire’s a classic here—turn a serious attack into a punchline.
  • Preemption: Get your narrative out first and loudest, setting the frame so anything opposing it sounds like a weak echo.

One important step in the process of waking up from NormieSleep is realizing that some of, maybe even most of, the key aspects of our worldview were cemented into place by a concerted propaganda effort, which has been in effect for decades. Much of what we now believe to be “normal” behavior would have been inconceivable to our younger selves, before we were exposed to the drip drip drip of the messaging that we allowed into our eyeballs & earballs.

The normalization of homosexual behavior provides an ideal example of how most Americans – if not most humans – now view a practice that for most of human existence was considered abnormal at best; freakish and forbidden to most societies.

All of us over 40 years old have lived our entire adulthood during this transition, and so we remember the “before times”. Many of us long for those times, mainly because we were impervious to all of the propaganda thrown at us along the way, & feel pretty much the same way about human sexuality that we did 40 years ago.

The world changed, we didn’t.

But for those older adults who have allowed their worldviews to flip a 180 on gayness, to name just one modern data point, there comes imbued in their transition a satisfying sense of being alive during the absolute pinnacle of humanity. It certainly seems like the most progressive era in history, if you’re into that kinda thing. It’s ego-boosting to think of yourself as non-judgmental, open and accepting, modern and “loving”.

But my question is: Why did they change their thinking? Did they become so “enlightened” & unburdened by what has been totally independent of any outside messaging or propaganda, sprouting organically out of the fertile ground of their own inherent goodness and tolerance? Or was the propaganda effort so omnipresent and unrelenting, the peer pressure so strong, that most people had no choice but to unwittingly adjust their thinking?

I strongly suspect it is the latter.

Let’s go back to what some people call “Peak America” – the 1980’s, the decade when the gay rights movement took off like a rocketship. While some would point to the Stonewall Riots of 1969 as the inception point, it was the AIDS epidemic of the 80’s that fueled the desire for a complete transformation of the world’s social mores around sexuality.

From GROK:

The gay rights movement during the AIDS epidemic, roughly spanning the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, was a period of intense crisis, transformation, and resilience. The epidemic hit just as the movement was gaining momentum post-Stonewall, thrusting gay communities into a fight for survival that reshaped their activism, visibility, and priorities.

AIDS—initially called GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) when identified in 1981—disproportionately struck gay and bisexual men in the U.S. and Western Europe. By 1982, the CDC had renamed it AIDS, but the stigma stuck. Governments, particularly under Reagan in the U.S. and Thatcher in the U.K., were slow to respond, often due to political indifference or moralizing about homosexuality. Reagan didn’t publicly address AIDS until 1985, by which point thousands had died. This neglect fueled outrage and forced the gay rights movement to pivot from broader liberation goals to immediate life-and-death demands: medical research, treatment access, and public education.

I don’t remember the GRID thing, but I prefer it to “AIDS”. Gay Related Immune Deficiency is much more accurate.

Because of course the epidemic was gay related. Ground Zero for GRID/AIDS was San Francisco, which were notorious for their bathhouses frequented by gay men as spaces to engage in anonymous sex, or to spin it a more pro-gay way: “symbols of sexual liberation post-Stonewall, offering anonymity, community, and freedom in a city that had long been a queer haven”. “COMMUNITY”. Huh, well, that’s one way of putting it. One study from 1978 which surveyed homosexual men around the San Francisco area found “28% reported over 1,000 lifetime sexual partners, 43% over 500 partners.” That’s 1,000 DIFFERENT partners, mind you. If that isn’t debauchery, then the word really has no meaning anymore.

GRID had to become AIDS because while the deadly epidemic was quite obviously emanating from the homosexual liberation people group, it was terrible optics for the gay acceptance movement’s propaganda campaign that had been underway since 1969. Proponents understandably didn’t want this unexpected development to force them back into the closet, where they were treated like second class citizens, or worse. Conveniently for them, one of the world’s most beloved superstar athletes named Magic Johnson announced that he had somehow contracted AIDS, even though he was famously not-gay. So now the Normies could be presented a lovable,, masculine hero-type of mascot that made the AIDS epidemic seem less like “God’s punishment”. What got lost in that story of course was that Magic did get HIV from committing adultery. So, maybe it was God’s punishment?

Let’s recall that at the time this was all happening, the vast majority of Christians in America believed the Bible to be God’s Holy Word, including Romans 1:26-27: “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Today, I would bet that less than half of American Christians believe that this verse actually condemns homosexuality.


Mission Accomplished.

In fact, when I searched “New testament verses about homosexuality”, GROK felt the need to add this bit of editorial propaganda below the above verse:

Context: Paul’s arguing that humanity’s rejection of God leads to moral chaos. He’s likely referencing Greco-Roman practices—possibly pederasty (adult men with boys) or temple prostitution tied to pagan worship, common in places like Corinth or Rome. “Unnatural” (Greek: para physin) could mean “against custom” or “excessive,” not necessarily homosexuality itself. Some scholars, like Robin Scroggs, suggest it’s about lustful excess, not consensual relationships. Others, like traditionalists, see it as a blanket ban on same-sex acts.”

See, the Bible made sense in 1980, but in 2025 not so much. It’s not really cool anymore. According to modern sensibilities, when Paul wrote repeatedly to the church in Rome and Corinth and to Timothy about the sin of homosexuality, he didn’t mean all homosexuals, just the uh, you know, prostitutes and maybe the pedophiles. Question: If you are a modern Christian who now believes that homosexuality is not a sin for some reason, how many sexual partners would they be allowed to have and still be good? Over or under 1,000? Or does the 10 Commandments apply to gays too? Specifically the “Don’t commit adultery” one. You may think I’m being cute here, but there are lots of “gay churches” that exist that teach that a homo lifestyle is sin-free, so long as it’s limited to only one partner.

More history from GROK:

Grassroots groups led the charge. In 1982, the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) formed in New York to provide care and advocate for those affected, filling gaps left by apathetic institutions. Then, in 1987, ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) emerged, taking a confrontational approach. Their protests—like the 1987 Wall Street demonstration or the 1989 “Stop the Church” action at St. Patrick’s Cathedral—targeted drug companies, the FDA, and religious leaders who opposed condom distribution or sex education. ACT UP’s slogan, “Silence = Death,” paired with its stark pink-triangle logo, became a rallying cry. Their pressure sped up drug approval processes, like getting AZT widely available by 1987, though it was a flawed first step—toxic and not a cure.

And here is where we get to the technique of JAMMING.

Notice the name of the protest: “Stop the Church”. Churches became the main target of homosexual protests into the 1990’s, which turned out to be overwhelmingly successful in a fairly short period of time. Pastors are notoriously afraid of controversy, so they were considered soft targets for the gay freedom fighters. Why fight an angry mob when you can just open your arms and welcome them in?

This past Sunday our pastor shared the story of a Duke New Testament professor named Richard B. Hays, who wrote a book 30 years ago dealing with Christian ethics; in which he famously wrote about homosexuality as “one of many tragic signs that we are a broken people”. He held those beliefs for all of 75 years, against intense pressure from every corner of academia, liberal churches, the entire culture. Until a year ago. Suddenly, Professor Hays released a book co-written with his son (whom many speculate led his father to apostasy) in which he did a 180 and is now totally cool with homosexuality, claiming that “God changed His mind” on the subject. Well, isn’t that convenient that our Creator happened to change His mind at the exact same time as His degenerate children decided to demolish all of the traditional guardrails that defined our sexual mores in the orgasmic fervor of the sexual revolution? Wow, what a coincidence.

Carl Trueman explains this phenomenon quite well here>>>

“The stories the modern world tells us are powerful: the future-oriented promise of science, the technology that privileges the young, the materialistic paradise offered by consumerism, which is always just around the next corner, the dying of confidence in words, the fragmentation of human nature, the distrust of traditional structures and notions of authority, and the wicked results of saying that somebody else is wrong and does not belong. All of these in their different ways make the idea of doctrinal Christianity, expressed in creeds and confessions, both implausible and distasteful; and all of them are part of the cultural air we all breathe.”

Carl R. Trueman, The Creedal Imperative

What is more likely is that Professor Hays was simply worn down by the overwhelming forces of JAMMING. Who wants to be considered an old fogey in the world of academia?


The above collage is but a snapshot of the absolute domination that the Left has achieved in the propaganda game. Our public school system has become the largest web of indoctrination camps to ever exist. This didn’t happen organically or by accident.

More sense-making by from Carl Trueman

“The intuitive moral structure of our modern social imaginary prioritizes victimhood, sees selfhood in psychological terms, regards traditional sexual codes as oppressive and life denying, and places a premium on the individual’s right to define his or her own existence. All these things play into legitimizing and strengthening those groups that can define themselves in such terms. They capture, one might say, the spirit of the age.”

While JAMMING is typically be understood to mean “flooding the airwaves with directed messaging”, the term took on an added layer during the gay rights movement as activists cleverly used Christ’s command to “love your neighbor” as a tool to bludgeon the average Christian into the submission of accepting the dual argument that homosexuality is both “something you are born with” and “an alternative lifestyle choice”. Of course, the heathen’s favorite Bible verse to use for JAMMING is “Judge not lest you be judged” (Matt 7:1), which has been secularized to mean “live and let live”. After all, no one likes being called a hypocrite, so it’s become much easier to keep one’s opinion to one’s self when it comes to matters of sexual expression. And that’s how we ended up with lesbian Episcopalian bishops.

As Christians, we must be aware of 2 facts that will never change (at least until the end of this age):

1. We have an Enemy: Satan

2. The Enemy will use every tool at his disposal to destroy mankind, including hollowing out the customs, beliefs and institutions of Christianity and wearing them as a skinsuit to mock us and weaken the Kingdom.
As I took pains to explain at the beginning, this post isn’t really about the rapid evolution of the sexual revolution, but is meant to look to the present day to see clearly how the various entities work to influence our worldview, incessantly. We saw this in HIGH DEFINITION during the 3-year-long covid era of Mass Formation Psychosis https://unherd.com/watch-listen/are-you-suffering-from-mass-formation-psychosis/

And we will continue to see propaganda used against us regardless of who our politicians are, because there is always going to be a profit motive behind getting you to believe certain things. There will also always be a power struggle behind groups vying for control of our systems. Right now, Trump controls the presidency, and he is using his power to full effect in order to make the biggest impact in the shortest period of time. Whether you agree with his policies or not, you must understand that there is an opposite force (Deep State,Uniparty,Democrats) doing everything they can to stop his efforts, including a massive propaganda campaign to nudge the pliable public into having a negative opinion about everything Trump attempts.

The Democrats/Media will work in lockstep, as they have for decades, to frame every single issue that Trump takes on. Inflation, government waste & fraud of taxpayer money, war, economy, DEI, Trans cult, illegal immigration. Every topic will be spun/massaged/framed to make Trump look stupid, heartless and evil. On the flip side, the right wing media will tend to spin everything Trump does as purely good. Our job as critical thinkers – which I know for a fact makes up nearly 100% of the subscribers to this substack – is to use our discernment to distill whatever our government is trying to do down through this one filter: Is it good for the Patriot movement? Not all of Trump’s actions will be, and we are not afraid to be critical when necessary. But we must also have the courage to speak the truth boldly when we have the opportunity to.

The largest coordinated propaganda campaign that is in effect right now is the effort to paint DOGE as unnecessary, extra-constitutional (as if the Democrats care about the Constitution lol) and cruel. That’s why every day the local news outlets are running stories about specific people losing their government job. Much sadness. One story ran with the headline “Cruelty was the point”, as if Elon is so bored running the world’s largest (market cap $907 billion) car company, the leading space/rocket organization in history and X/Twitter that he wants to devote all of his free time to ruining the lives of a relatively small group of government employees just for the fun of it.

We must be wise as serpents, and realize propaganda when it is served up to us. Remember that the media/Democrats didn’t cry any tears when one of the nations largest trucking companies went under 2 years ago. The story was just a blip, even though 30,000 people lost their jobs.

To be a critical thinker, you must understand the concept of Selective Outrage. During Biden’s 4 year term, millions of small businesses went under, which not only caused major job losses, but for every small business that fails there sadly occurs a death of sorts of someone’s dream. A Dream Death. Few politicians, journalists or government workers seem to care one bit about the people who suffer such a loss, so that’s why I recognize these daily stories as SELECTIVE OUTRAGE. As a 30 year small business owner & operator, I feel that loss whenever I hear of a small business closing. It is much more devastating than simply losing a government job. Especially in our part of the country, where unemployment is below 2%, jobs aren’t that hard to come by, generally speaking. Now, I do have empathy for anyone who suddenly loses their job. But let’s face it: most of the jobs getting eliminated are “BS jobs”. The purpose of our government is NOT to provide safe jobs that don’t serve the public, and this is OUR confiscated money that is being wasted. Besides, there is a huge need for more workers to join the Trades.

Learn to Build!

For the rest of us, we remain vigilant in our skepticism. We endeavor to hold all politicians accountable, no matter what party they identify with. And we will continue to take every “news” offering with the finest ground grain of salt.

(Hey, I just thought of a new term for RINOs: TransRepublicans)

Lemme know what you think in the comments!

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